Tag: Astraea Press

#DFRAT Excerpt (+ a Giveaway): Jordan’s Battle by E.A. West

Posted July 27, 2013 by Holly in Features | 7 Comments

DFRAT2013Check out Jordan’s Battle by E.A. WEST

Computer programmer Alaina Howard has a new office mate, and she couldn’t be happier that he’s handsome and unattached. Although initially uncertain of his position in the company, she quickly realizes that he’s good at his job and a valuable asset. If only she knew why the seemingly non-disabled man needed a service dog, things would be perfect.

Army veteran Jordan Blake is thrilled to get a job that allows him to pursue his dream of learning web development. The position is even sweeter thanks to the beautiful woman he shares an office with. The only drawback is that she seems suspicious of his need for a service dog to assist with an invisible disability.

Will Alaina’s suspicion and Jordan’s reluctance to talk about his disability keep them from developing the relationship they both desire?

jbRead an Excerpt of Jordan’s Battle:

Jordan leaned back in his desk chair and rolled his shoulders to relieve some of the tension. The longer he studied the Paradigm Computing website from both the public side and the back end, it sank in just how big a job he’d taken on. Although his dream of becoming a web developer was one step closer to coming true thanks to Russ Porter, Jordan couldn’t deny the weight of responsibility pressing down on him. Russ trusted him to learn huge amounts of information in a short period of time, and Jordan wanted to give a hundred and ten percent, the same way he always did. He just didn’t know if he could survive the pressure it would undoubtedly create.

Before his stress level could climb any higher, Jordan felt a nudge against his left leg. He released a breath and reached down to scratch his dog’s head. Abe always knew when to interrupt his thoughts. Given how long they’d been at this desk, they could both use a walk.

Jordan grabbed his dog’s leash as he stood, and the large, dark brown mutt followed his example. He caught Alaina watching him and smiled. He couldn’t ask for a prettier office mate than the blonde sitting at the desk across the room.

“I’m going outside for a few,” he said as Abe stretched.

Alaina lifted a shapely eyebrow, and distaste clouded her hazel eyes. “You’re a smoker?”

He laughed and stepped out from behind his desk. “No, I’m just going for a short walk.”

Her eyes widened as Abe stepped into her line of sight. “You brought your dog to work? Does Uncle Russ know?”

His office mate was his boss’s niece? Added stress he didn’t need. He shook off the anxiety before it could threaten him too much.

“Of course. Abe goes everywhere with me.” Jordan glanced down at his canine companion and turned him so Alaina could clearly see Abe’s labeled vest. Maybe it would keep her from asking questions he didn’t want to answer.

She leaned forward, her eyes on Abe. An adorable pink blush crept into her cheeks as she met Jordan’s gaze. “Oh! I should have realized he’s a service dog.”

Well, this was new. He’d never seen anyone surprised to learn Abe was a service dog.

Find out more about E.A.:

Author of G-rated and inspirational fiction.



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#DFRAT Excerpt (+ a Giveaway): Heather Gray – Mail Order Man, Late for the Ball and Ten Million Reasons

Posted July 24, 2013 by Holly in Features, Promotions | 22 Comments


Today we have excerpts (and giveaways!) from Heather Gray for three (3) titles: Mail Order Man, Late for the Ball? and Ten Million Reasons – plus ONE SWAG PACK!!

momMail Order Man

Some people get a mail order bride.  She got a mail order man.

A well-meaning friend places an ad to find a mail order husband for Sarah, the proprietress of Larkspur’s stage and mail office.  Sarah, who is generally quiet and reserved, doesn’t know about the ad and has no idea what to do with all the people that are showing up in her community.  Before long, the town is overrun with men and mail alike.  Sarah is trying to avoid some men who have accosted her on the street when she stumbles into Samuel.  Through long days spent together at the stage office, some very adventurous pots of coffee and a shared faith, the two become friends.  Sarah knows that Samuel is hiding something from her, something important, but that doesn’t stop her heart from leaping wildly into love.  Lacking the confidence to trust her heart, Sarah wars with herself over the feelings she can no longer deny.  When some of the men who have come to town show their true intentions, a shootout follows.  Sarah finally gets answers to many of the questions circling through her mind.  One question remains, though.  Where will her mail order man go when the dust settles?


Keeping her eyes directed down, Sarah walked from the small house she had once shared with Papa…
Sarah heard a commotion to her left. Before she could even raise her eyes to see what was going on, someone came barreling out from the mercantile and plowed right into her. Sarah’s feet flew out from under her, and she landed out in the street, far from the boardwalk on which she had a moment ago been walking. Before she could take stock of the situation to determine if she’d landed in mud or manure, at least a dozen hands were reaching out to help her up. Frightened by all of the men crowding in around her and not sure of their intentions, Sarah scrambled to her feet and backed up from the growing crowd. She did not recognize a single face from the group that continued to step closer to her.

As she scurried backward, Sarah ran right smack into a wall. She didn’t remember a wall being there in the middle of the street, but sure enough, she was trapped between the wall behind her and the wall of men walking toward her.

“Pardon me, gentlemen, but I think you have frightened the lady here.” Sarah stiffened as she heard the wall behind her speak. Her head whipped back and up. With the sun shining right into her eyes, she couldn’t see the face of her rescuer, but his voice was confidently calm, loud enough to carry to all of the men who had been reaching toward her without actually sounding as though he’d raised his voice. “Miss, are you okay?” It took Sarah a moment to realize the talking wall was speaking to her.

“Y-y-yes, thank you.” Sarah struggled to get the words out past a suddenly dry and scratchy throat.

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lftbLate for the Ball?

Fulfilling one’s destiny has never been so…compelling. Myra is cast aside by her parents, betrothed to a man she’s never met, and forced into a life she never wanted. In the midst of it all, she finds herself strangely drawn into something she doesn’t entirely understand. The earl is mocking, demanding and entirely unwilling to break the betrothal.  He speaks in riddles, but by night’s end, one thing is clear: He is not who he seems. Follow Myra into a world of intrigue and hidden meaning. Will she unravel the mystery before time runs out?


Myra was reaching for a glass of lemonade when a voice stilled her. “You must be my betrothed.” The words had the slightest accent. Myra tried but could not identify it. Greek, perchance? If a man could sound both immovable and fluid at the same time, this man did. His voice was warm like a rich cup of chocolate yet chilly as the deepest days of winter. A thought flitted through her mind. Devour the chocolate or swear it off for life?  Myra turned to look at the man. Taller than any other at the ball, he was also broad-shouldered and fearsome in appearance. His hair was indeed darker than night. A deep olive color, his skin invited her to reach out and touch it. A shadow of growth covered his jaw, showing his utter disregard for the opinions of others. Determined to smile, she shifted her attention to his eyes and instead felt the corners of her mouth droop as their inky depths burned into her, making her feel transparent and bare. “And you are?” she asked, her voice quivering despite her best efforts to keep it steady. The man had the gall to throw his head back and laugh. This was not, however, the laugh of a man meeting his betrothed for the first time. It sounded to Myra like the feral cry of a predatory animal. Surely prey about to be devoured could feel no less cornered than she did in that moment. “Why, I am the Earl of Allegory, of course. And you, my dear, are all mine.”  Fear sliced through Myra’s middle. Her earlier bitterness was washed away as a raging tide of panic swept through her. She cast her eyes frantically about the ballroom looking for anyone who might help her evade this tyrant. Seeing none to give her aid, she returned her eyes to meet his. He lifted an eyebrow sardonically. His words asked but his tone commanded when he said, “May I have this dance?” Before she could think of a way to avoid it, Myra found herself on the ballroom floor. The earl’s arms were bands of steel holding her in place, affording no opportunity for retreat. A waltz! Of all dances, why did it have to be a waltz? “Perhaps, my love,” he said, giving her hand a firm squeeze, “you should have spent more time preparing for this meeting. You don’t seem to have a thing to say to me.” What does one say to a fiend? There was no hiding the grimace that accompanied her ominous thoughts. “Ah, I think I understand what is going on inside that pretty little head of yours,” he said darkly.

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Ten Million Reasons

Ten Million Reasons is a contemporary Christian romance scheduled for release Summer 2013.

Money talks, and the way she spends hers tells him all he needs to know…

Richard needs to find a woman he can trust, and he needs to find her fast.  He doesn’t have time to waste on getting to know people, which means dating and interviewing are out of the question.  So how can he get past that initial mask of good behavior to learn what people are really like?  Easy!  Give them ten million dollars and watch to see what they do with it.

Genevieve is a free-lance journalist who talks to herself, constantly forgets to put appointments on her calendar and can’t go anywhere without being asked to take a survey.  Why on earth is Richard interested in her?  She doesn’t know it yet, but he has ten million reasons…


Genevieve read through the article offers. “Really?” she asked the empty room. “I don’t want to write about monkey mating habits, the chemistry of turtle urine, or the nature of flea families!” Oh great. Now I’m yelling at my computer.

When Genevieve’s phone rang, she was so relieved to be distracted from her abysmal writing offers, she picked it up with gusto and answered, “Please tell me something good!” Her enthusiasm was met with silence. “Uh, hello?” she asked, feeling her embarrassment in the heated flush moving across her neck and face.

“Miss Genevieve Mason?” The voice was male, deep, a touch gravelly, and slightly delicious.

“Who’s asking?”

“Is this Miss Mason?” The voice had moved from delicious to downright arrogant.

Somebody’s got too much starch in their shirt!

Genevieve’s ire rose, and her words were clipped. “Well, generally when you call someone, you introduce yourself. I don’t recognize your voice or your number, so it wouldn’t be wise of me to give out my name prior to knowing who you are. Safety and all that. Who’s asking?”

“My name is Richard, and I’m calling about the survey you recently took.”

“Which one?” she asked.

“Which one?” he echoed.

“Yes. Which survey?” Is this guy dense or something?

“You’ve taken more than one survey?”

“I walk through the mall a lot. I end up taking surveys.” Chagrin snaked its way through her middle and up her throat. Trying to swallow it back down, she defensively added, “I can’t be the only person who gets stuck taking surveys all the time. I’ve never gotten a call about one before. Which survey is this for?”

“You took a survey asking how you would spend ten million dollars if you had a day to do so.” Was that judgment she heard in his voice?

Fantastic. Some people tell stories about the crazy cat lady. He’s going to be telling stories about the crazy survey lady!

“Oh, that one,” she said airily. “I remember it. What can I do for you?” Genevieve still wasn’t sure this guy Richard was on the up-and-up, but since he knew which survey she’d taken, she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. Without revealing any personal or pertinent information, that is. She hadn’t forgotten everything from the Technological Self Defense course she’d taken a few years back. Sure, she’d only taken it so she could write a series of articles about it, but still, she’d learned a few things.

“As I was saying,” the arrogance had seeped out of his voice, “my name is Richard, and I’m calling about the survey you took.” She tried to picture the face that would go with the rich velvety tones now coming across the phone line and making her ear tingle. Unfortunately, the only picture that came to mind was the short, skinny, balding, yellow-toothed man who usually conducted the surveys.

Great. Even my fantasies mock me.

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Find out more about Heather: I was born in Nevada. As a child, I lived there as well as Montana, Texas, Arizona and possibly California. I was too young to remember the last one, though, and am putting my trust in family lore on that count. As an adult, I called Idaho home for eight years before the economy transplanted us to the east coast. I currently make my home in Virginia with my fantastic family. http://www.heathergraywriting.com/  

Enter to win the Swag Pack Heather is giving away.

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#DFRAT Excerpt (+ a Giveaway): Someday You’ll Laugh by Brenda Maxfield

Posted July 23, 2013 by Holly in Features, Promotions | 8 Comments


Check out Someday You’ll Laugh by Brenda Maxfield


Stunned when her boyfriend announces they should be free to see others when he leaves for col-lege, Brenda pastes a smile on her face and walks away. Far away. Only to find herself irresisti-bly drawn into the arms of another guy.

Brenda’s previous boyfriend finds out, claims he made a huge mistake

, and wants her back. She will receive a marriage proposal, but from which one?

Later, on her wedding day, Brenda awakens knowing something is wrong. Will she make it through the ceremony?

sdylRead an Excerpt of Someday You’ll Laugh:

Greg stood when he saw me coming and his look flipped from excitement to worried concern.

“What happened in there? You made the cut, right?” He took hold of my arm.

 “I doubt it. I was awful, really awful. Worst audition ever. I was so nervous my knees almost shook loose from my legs.”

He laughed, but sobered when he saw my face. “You couldn’t have been that bad. People always think they did worse than they did. You have a great voice.”

“I was horrible. I’m not kidding, I blew it.” The strangest thing was taking place in my body. A strand of relief began to grow and spread over me — an odd happiness over my failure.

Greg pulled me down onto a fake leather couch. “I know you. You couldn’t have been bad. When are they going to call with the news?”

“I don’t know. It doesn’t matter anyway because I know I didn’t make it.”

I’d never been so certain of anything in my life.

Greg ran his hand over my shoulder and down my arm. “If you don’t make it, we’ll think of another way to get you here to California.”

I looked into his earnest eyes and saw his longing, but there was no echoing desire in my own heart. None.

“I don’t think so, Greg. I’m staying in Washington.”

He backed away and stared. “Why? What do you mean?”

“I’m staying in Washington.”

He rubbed his hand over his forehead. “These past couple of weeks have been too hard. Being apart is too hard. Don’t get me wrong, I love it here, but without you, it’s, well, it’s dead.”

I looked down at my clasped hands. He put his fingers under my chin and lifted my face to his. He leaned forward and kissed me. “I’ve missed you. More than I ever thought I would.” His voice was gentle and the tenderness flowing from him engulfed me and made it difficult to breathe.

I knew he was waiting for me to respond, but whirling confusion had grabbed my words, and I didn’t know what to say. As the silence grew, Greg’s brow creased and the muscles around his mouth tensed.


My eyes were wide and I knew tears hovered on my lashes. “Yes?”

“What’s going on?”

Find out more about Brenda:

My passion is writing! What could be more delicious than inventing new characters and seeing where they take you?

I’m a teacher so I spend most of my waking hours with young people. I love chatting with them and hearing their views on love and life. My students are magical, and I am honored to be part of their lives.

I’ve lived in Honduras, Grand Cayman, and Costa Rica. Presently, I live in Indiana with my husband, Paul. We have two grown children and a precious grandbaby, special delivery from Africa.

When not teaching, I love to hole up in our lake cabin and write — often with a batch of popcorn nearby. (Oh, and did I mention dark chocolate?)

I enjoy getting to know my readers, so feel free to write me at: contact@brendamaxfield.com . Visit me to learn about all my books and some good, clean teen reads: www.brendamaxfield.com Happy Reading!
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