To Bed the Bride by Karen Ranney
Series: All for Love #3
Publisher: Avon
Publication Date: November 26, 2019
Format: ARC
Source: Edelweiss
Point-of-View: Third
Genres: Historical Romance
Pages: 384
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Politics has introduced MP Logan McKnight to many fascinating people, but the lady he encounters on the lands bordering his ancestral Scottish home outshines them all. Eleanor Craig of Hearthmere seats a Thoroughbred like a queen, knows as much about world events as any of his colleagues—and is engaged to one of the worst men Logan knows. She also seems lonely, so Logan brings her a friend. Thus should their acquaintance end, yet it’s only just begun.
The puppy Logan delivers is every bit as irresistible as the man himself. How could this stranger sense the isolation Eleanor suffers among her scheming, snobbish extended family and fiancé who control her life? It’s even worse in London—until she begins meeting Logan secretly in a secluded park. Their passionate connection frees Eleanor, body and soul. But discovery threatens disgrace—or worse.
Eleanor‘s father dies and leaves her care to her uncle specifies that her uncle and his family must live at hearthmere, her lands in Scotland, until she reaches her majority. When she does reach her majority, then it’s up to her whether her uncle and his family shall continue to live there. Unfortunately Eleanor‘s uncle dies and she is then taken care of by her aunt who hates Scotland and Hearthmere so she immediately decamps to London with her family and Eleanor.
Once they get to London the aunt never wants Eleanor to return to Scotland to check her property, it’s the solicitor that finally talks her aunt into letting her go for one month a year. When the story begins she’s making her yearly trip but this time she’s only allowed two weeks.
While she’s out riding one day she comes across a shepherd and his sheep. The shepherd is quite handsome. Eleanor shows that she is afraid of the sheep dogs and the shepherd can’t understand it. He then brings her a puppy as he thinks it’s ridiculous that anyone would be afraid of dogs. When she tries to return the dog she finds an older man who says he’s the only shepherd for that property. Eleanor is greatly confused and ends up keeping the puppy.
When Eleanor returns to London the family hates the puppy, but she has come to love it and it’s her best friend.
Eleanor meets the “shepherd” again in London, finding out he’s Logan McKnight, an possible future MP. He arrives at Eleanor’s house hoping to sway Eleanor’s step-uncle and her fiancé. That doesn’t go as planned but he does arrange to meet Eleanor.
The pair begin a lovely friendship but they both know it’s wrong. Eleanor is having doubts about her fiancé (he’s a completely self-centered ass) but her family is so happy about the match she’s scared to break it off. She knows she’s falling for Logan so she just doesn’t know what to do.
This was a friends to lovers story and was well done. I really liked Eleanor and Logan together and the slow burn worked for me.
There was a couple of things that happened in the story that I didn’t care for. One was View Spoiler ». That’s a big no in my book, even if Michael was a douche. The second was the way her family treats her in order to get her to agree to stay with Michael. I won’t go into detail but they almost kill her. IDK, something about this rang false. It absolutely could have happened, but it seemed a bit extreme. I loved the ending of the book but wish I could have seen Eleanor’s snooty family’s faces when they saw her again. (That’s obviously my vindictive side showing through.😂)
Overall I thought this was a great story and definitely recommend it.
Rating: 4 out of 5
All for Love