Tag: 4.0 Reviews

Review: Menagerie by Lara Santiago

Review: Menagerie by Lara Santiago

  Valerie is minding her own business on a jog in the park when she sees two people getting into a motorcycle shootout. She hits the ground and wakes up on board a spaceship where she’s about to be “chosen” as a sex slave for up to 5 men. She figures she’s dreaming and just […]

Review: The Wild Road by Marjorie M. Liu

Review: The Wild Road by Marjorie M. Liu

Lannes Hannelore is one of a dying race born to protect mankind against demonic forces. And while those who look upon him see a beautiful man, this illusion is nothing but a prison. His existence is one of pure isolation, hiding in plain sight, with brief solace found in simple pleasures: stretching his wings on […]

Guest Review: Taking It All In by Dalton

Guest Review: Taking It All In by Dalton

Kris‘ review of Taking It All In by Dalton. Sexual freedom, hot fantasies and wide-open minds.There is a long lost memory that gets you hot every time you think about it. Maybe it’s a steamy encounter with the same sex, your first love, the first time you were ever tied up, or even a ménage. […]

Shomi Spotlight – Review: Razor Girl by Marianne Mancusi

Shomi Spotlight – Review: Razor Girl by Marianne Mancusi

It was with some trepidation that I started this novel. As I mentioned before, it’s hard for me to break out of my comfort zone and try new things. Beyond that even, I was somewhat nervous about this particular book because Molly Anderson is based on the character Molly Millions, most notably from Johnny Mnemonic […]

Review: Turbulent Sea by Christine Feehan

Review: Turbulent Sea by Christine Feehan

The star: Joley Drake was born with a legacy of unexpected magical gifts, but it was the gift of singing that made her an overnight sensation—a rock and roll goddess trapped by fame, fortune, and ambition. Heated by the flush of success, Joley could have any man she wanted. But there’s only man who can […]