Tag: 4.0 Reviews

Guest Review: All The Ways You Saved Me by Jamie Howard

Guest Review: All The Ways You Saved Me by Jamie Howard

Bianca is a senator’s daughter and has always done what her parent’s wanted her to do.  They don’t really love her and she knows this but she keeps trying in the hopes that one day they’ll look at her and realize all they’ve missed by constantly ignoring her. She’s just graduated from law school in […]

Review: The Goal by Elle Kennedy

Review: The Goal by Elle Kennedy

I feel like we’ve been waiting so long to finally get Tucker’s book. He’s been so absent from the other books and I’ve always wondered where the heck he spends his time away from the house. Well, we finally find out and the answer is…everywhere. He’s in his truck, hooking up with girls, crashing at […]

Review: Keepsake by Sarina Bowen

Review: Keepsake by Sarina Bowen

Keepsake was one of the books that I was most looking forward to releasing in October so that I can get my grubby hands on it. I quit everything that I was doing, reading and watching so that I can read this book. Sarina Bowen is one of my favorites and this series has really […]

Guest Review: Lord of the Runes by Sabrina Jarema

Guest Review: Lord of the Runes by Sabrina Jarema

Eirik Ivarson is just back from the raiding season and has been celebrating.  Unfortunately he passes out and doesn’t hear the attack on his village right away.  A group of outcasts have attacked and are taking over the village.  Eirik sees his father die and Eirik almost dies as well when he’s pulled over a […]

Guest Review: While the Duke Was Sleeping by Sophie Jordan

Guest Review: While the Duke Was Sleeping by Sophie Jordan

Poppy has this dream about the Duke of Autenberry.  She fancies herself in love with him so one day when he leaves the flower shop where she works, and gets into an argument with another man and then a fistfight, she jumps in to save him.  Unfortunately saving his life made him bump his head […]