Tag: 2.5 Reviews

Throwback Thursday Review: Cover of Night by Linda Howard

Throwback Thursday Review: Cover of Night by Linda Howard

Every Thursday in 2018, we’ll be posting throwback reviews of our favorite and not-so-favorite books. This review was originally posted on April 21, 2008. How many of you have read Danielle Steel? I used to read her all the time when I was younger, but after awhile the repetitiveness of her writing started to wear […]

Throwback Thursday: Guest Review: Timber Creek by Veronica Wolff

Throwback Thursday: Guest Review: Timber Creek by Veronica Wolff

Every Thursday in 2018 we will be posting throwback reviews of our favorite and not-so-favorite books. This review was originally published on December 26, 2012. Laura is determined to make a go of it in Sierra Falls and to prove her worth, to her family, the town and to herself. When a new resort gets […]

Guest Review: His Best Mistake by Lucy King

Guest Review: His Best Mistake by Lucy King

Stella is trying to get away from everyone and everything after she found out that she was the “other woman.”  She never wanted to be that person and is sick to think that the man she’d been dating for 3 months was engaged to someone else.  She’d been at a cottage in the Scottish Highlands […]

Guest Review: Merry Christmas, My Viscount by Emily Windsor

Guest Review: Merry Christmas, My Viscount by Emily Windsor

Lily Mereworth had been under her husband’s thumb for so long that when he died she decided she wanted to be the improper lady he never allowed her to be.  She makes a list of things she’d like to accomplish and as of the start of this book she’d checked off all but two of […]

Guest Review: A Lady’s Deception by Pamela Mingle

Guest Review: A Lady’s Deception by Pamela Mingle

Hugh and Eleanor met when Hugh’s mother threw a house party. They got on fabulously and even shared a kiss in the garden.  That had been earlier in the year and Hugh was now at a local assembly hoping to get a peek at Eleanor.  He is leaving for Canada in two days’ time and […]