Tag: 2.5 Reviews

Review: Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe by Jenny Colgan

Review: Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe by Jenny Colgan

Thanks to Holly, I’m really getting into the swing of this audiobook business. I signed up for the Audible Romance Package and I have been going to town on listening to multiple books a week while I’m at work. Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe is one of the books that I listened to and […]

Guest Review: Be a Good Girl by Tess Diamond

Guest Review: Be a Good Girl by Tess Diamond

It’s always hard to write a review for a book that just didn’t grab your attention–this is one of those books! This book doesn’t exactly break new ground, with the hero and heroine coming back together to investigate their teenage friend’s murder and some new similar murders. Abby is an investigative reporter and Paul is […]

Review: Consumed by J.R. Ward

Review: Consumed by J.R. Ward

Holy crap. This book was NOT for me. From the beginning to the end, it was just not. I loved The Bourbon Kings series. It was far outside the purview of the BDB. I thought that this new series would be much of the same. Especially after I skimmed (I don’t like spoilers) some of […]

Review: The Breakup by Erin McCarthy

Review: The Breakup by Erin McCarthy

The Breakup is the second book in the Jordan Brothers series and it follows two characters from The Hookup that I just could not care about. The siblings of the characters from The Hookup. I really enjoyed the first book and wanted some closure where the rift between the two Jordan brothers were concerned so […]

Review: All the Way by Kristen Proby

Review: All the Way by Kristen Proby

I’m going to be completely honest with you guys and tell you that I picked up this book because of that gorgeous cover. When I decided that I was going to read and review this book, it was because the book cover caught my eye and I wanted to love this book as much as […]