Tag: 2.0 Reviews

Summer Reading Challenge DNF Review: The Bourbon Kings by J.R. Ward

Summer Reading Challenge DNF Review: The Bourbon Kings by J.R. Ward

Casee chose this as a book for me in our Summer Reading Challenge. I listened to the audio. I managed to slog through 30+ chapters. If I were close to the end I’d probably finish it, because I want to know if my thoughts about where the plot is heading are right, but there’s still […]

Guest Review: The Howling by Erin McCarthy

Guest Review: The Howling by Erin McCarthy

Liv has been having dreams for the past six months about wolves.  In the dream it seems to be her as the central figure, but it’s set in the 19th century so she’s confused.  She chalks it up to nerves because of her impending wedding.  A wedding to Scarborough, the brother of the man who […]

Guest Review: Just One Spark by Jenna Bayley-Burke

Guest Review: Just One Spark by Jenna Bayley-Burke

Hannah is in the laundromat when she meets Mason.  Unfortunately Mason had been participating in an experiment for his psychologist brother and was wearing a wedding ring.  Hannah tells him off for hitting on her and even though Mason says he’s not married, she doesn’t believe him. Hannah had been dating previously but then found […]

Review: The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory

Review: The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory

I’ve been hearing such great things about this book from damn near everyone so I wanted to read this book something fierce. I was ready for a diverse romance between two perfect strangers that meet in an elevator. Sadly, this book didn’t live up to the hype and I finished this book rather disappointed in […]

Review: Love Between Enemies by Molly E. Lee

Review: Love Between Enemies by Molly E. Lee

When I read the first book, Love in the Friend Zone, I was curious about Gordon and Zoey. I was curious about them because Gordon was pretty pissed at graduation and I was even more curious about Zoey’s plan of revenge. I wanted to read this book to see what happened to piss Gordon off […]