Tag: 2.0 Reviews

Guest Review: Hunter’s Prey by Kit Tunstall

Guest Review: Hunter’s Prey by Kit Tunstall

Kris‘ guest review of Hunter’s Prey by Kit Tunstall. Armand Touissant: A master vampire whose sister was killed by the Necro sapiens Containment Agency. He thinks the NCA’s mission is genoicidal.Foster St. Claire: A master vampire who shares Armand’s hatred of the NCA, though he lacks a personal stake.Shaun O’Grady: An NCA Agent trained to […]

Review: Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer

Review: Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer

Oh my god. This book pissed me the hell off. I even called Holly asking “WTF!” If you want a real review, please see Holly and Mailyn. I’m going straight into my rant. They are all stupid. Bella- STUPID. Edward told her not to visit Jacob. He’s a young werewolf and dangerous. Since they are […]

Review: Sugar and Sin by Stella and Audra Price

Review: Sugar and Sin by Stella and Audra Price

I got this book a few weeks ago and was really stoked to start it because it seemed different from anything I’ve ever read and I thought I’d enjoy a sort of change of pace I guess you can say. Sugar and Sin is the first book in the Eververse series by Stella and Audra […]