Source: Purchased

Sunday Spotlight: Love Hard by Nalini Singh

Sunday Spotlight: Love Hard by Nalini Singh

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 I have been waiting for this book for ages now. I’m so stoked to finally be getting a Samoan romance. A […]

Review: Magic Mourns by Ilona Andrews

Review: Magic Mourns by Ilona Andrews

Magic Mourns follows Magic Strikes and features Andrea Nash and Raphael Medrano. Andrea is Kate’s best friend and Raphael is a werehyena shapeshifter who has made his interest in Andrea known. Bouda shapeshifters aren’t known for being choosy when it comes to bedmates and Andrea doesn’t want to be another notch on Raphael’s post so […]

Joint Review: Magic Strikes by Ilona Andrews

Joint Review: Magic Strikes by Ilona Andrews

Magic Strikes is the third book in the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews. The trouble really starts to heat up when Kate’s friend Derek is found almost dead and she is forced to catch the bad guys by putting a team together to fight in the Midnight Games, a supernatural Hunger Games like tournament. […]

Review: Husband by Penelope Sky

Review: Husband by Penelope Sky

Husband picks up right where Wife left off. At the end of Wife, Sophia finds out that her mother has arranged a marriage to none other than Hades Lombardi. It has been four years since they split in a very non amicable way. It was clear that Hades hates her so she can’t imagine why […]

Review: Wife by Penelope Sky

Review: Wife by Penelope Sky

Wife is my first book by Penelope Sky. The summary sounded very interesting to me, so I decided to give it a try. I listened to it on audio. The narrators were pretty decent. No complaints on that from me. Sophia has planned to run her family’s hotels since she was a small girl. When […]