So Right With You by Maggie Kaye
Series: The Girlfriend series #1
Publisher: Self-Published
Publication Date: July 21, 2014
Format: eARC
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In the work place, we all know there are boundaries. One of those boundaries is Never Date Your Boss, especially if he is a playboy and you just had your heart broken. When Chloe Lambert finds herself down on her luck, none other than her hunky CEO boss, Garrett Nolan, steps in to rescue her, offering her temporary shelter at his ranch. Now, her boss is looking more appealing, and her friends can’t agree on whether she should sleep with him or not. Don’t even mention the fact she just learned he has a soft spot for kids and is using the ranch to help sick kids. What is a girl to do when it feels so right?
Chloe is devastated when she comes home from work early one day to surprise her fiance and finds him having sex with one of her friends on the kitchen table. Yes, she’d been a little wrapped up in the wedding plans – the wedding that was supposed to take place in 3 weeks – but she never expected Trevor to look elsewhere for sex. She has three close friends but doesn’t feel like she can impose on them. Her boss is a nice guy and offers his ranch home for her to stay in until she can get back on her feet financially.
Chloe has always found Garrett attractive but now that she’s living in close quarters with him she can’t keep her mind off of him. Garrett has always wanted to go out with Chloe but he never wanted to ruin their working relationship so he never gave in to his desires. Now that she’s in his home he may have to change his mind about that.
So Right With You was a very slow read for me. I kept expecting something to happen but it really never did. Ok, it’s not like nothing happened but it was all kind of…vanilla. The things that did happen were nice but nothing too exciting.
Garrett and Chloe: Garrett was a nice guy who had a reputation with the ladies but as he said – you can’t believe everything you read. He was very private and there were things that Chloe learned about him that she had no idea about – even after working for him for 3 years. He was a little gruff at times but that was ok. He did jump to a huge conclusion near the end of the book that really was ridiculous. The fact that he heard something and assumed it was true and didn’t even verify it with Chloe really didn’t fit with his personality.
Chloe was also nice but she kind of annoyed me. She, as it was stated in the book, was one of the highest paid administrative assistants around but she moaned about money all the time. I think when the book first started she had put money into the condo she bought with Trevor, and the wedding, but after that she acted like she was destitute – it didn’t gel with me. Then there were Chloe’s friends who were there for her no matter what…but yet she didn’t even consider imposing on them when she was out on the street? Really? What the hell are your best friends for? Harper had a small apartment – ok, I get that. Ree lived on a busy street and it was hard to sleep – weird but ok, I guess. It’s better than the street, right? Her other friend, Leighton, was actually out of the country when this all went down so that would have been the perfect place to crash as she wasn’t there, right? I know that the author was going for the homeless issue so that Chloe can stay with Garrett but it just didn’t ring true. This is a series about best friends so why didn’t she feel she could lean on them in a time of trouble?
Then there was Chloe’s self confidence issues. She was beautiful and more than capable at what she did professionally and acted that way when she wasn’t with Garrett. When she was with him it all seemed to hide away somewhere. The interactions between Chloe and Garrett weren’t emotional at all, imho, so when he thought to himself that he loved Chloe I was all What the Hell? Where did that come from?? I ended up skipping their sex scenes after the first one because I felt no emotional connection to the characters nor felt that they had any between them.
There is a part of the story that had to do with a foundation that helped kids and I really liked reading that part of the book. It was touching and the most emotional part of the book. That was definitely the best part of the whole book as far as I’m concerned. Other than that I don’t think I can pick out one thing that worked for me in this story cuz it was all very bland. Sorry to say I probably won’t be reading any more from this author.
Rating: 1.0 out of 5