Series: MacEgan Brothers

Guest Review: Her Warrior King by Michelle Willingham

Posted March 16, 2016 by Tracy in Reviews | 0 Comments

Guest Review: Her Warrior King by Michelle WillinghamReviewer: Tracy
Her Warrior King by Michelle Willingham
Series: MacEgan Brothers #2
Publisher: Harlequin
Publication Date: January 1st 2008
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Series Rating: four-stars

He has wed her, but will not bed her!

Blackmail forced Patrick MacEgan into marriage— although he could not be forced to bed his Norman bride. But Isabel de Godred was as fair as she was determined to be a proper wife….

She wished to help her proud warrior king with the burden of his responsibilities. As queen, she could aid an alliance between their people. As wife, she longed to comfort him, for when alone, they could put aside war and be but man and woman….

Patrick MacEgan is a king in Ireland. His fortress and people are attacked by Norman forces and many of his people, including his older brother, had been killed. Lord Edwin de Godred, who conquered his tribe, wants to be in good favor with King Henry and since Henry wants to unite the two countries de Godred wants to put Norman men into the Irish fortress, forcing the people to live together. He also wants Patrick to marry his daughter Isabel as the alliance will look good to King Henry. Patrick really doesn’t have a choice if he wants to save his people but he’s certainly not happy about the marriage or having the Norman soldiers in his fortress.

Patrick shows up to marry Isabel but he doesn’t plan on consummating the marriage and there’s no chance he will ever have kids with her as he wouldn’t take the chance that his sons would have Norman blood. The problem starts when he actually starts to like Isabel. Though she’s pretty much exiled on an island near his fortress she finds ways to challenge him constantly. Patrick tries to stay away from her but he finds himself drawn to her.

Isabel wants nothing more than for her marriage to work. She didn’t want to to marry Patrick but now that it’s done she wants to make the best of it. She constantly defies Patrick but wants to help him and what she ends up doing actually works to bring the two sides, the Irish and the Norman, together. The question remains, however, will Patrick ever see her as anyone more than a burden and can she make him fall in love with her as she loves him.

Though I read this book out of order (I unknowingly read them in publishing order instead) I loved seeing how the brothers worked together to save their tribe and fortress. Patrick was one stubborn man but I understood the reasons he kept himself apart from Isabel. Once he finally let her into his heart I knew that he wouldn’t be able to resist her.

Isabel was a piece of work – in a good way. She was determined not to be ignored and to make the Normans and the Irish to work together. Her ideas were shot down by Patrick but when she went ahead and put them into play herself they turned out working. I loved her ingenuity. Yes, some of it was done selfishly so that she could be with Patrick but it ended being a benefit to everyone. She was a kind woman but strong, independent woman but still very kind and generous. I loved her character and was so happy when Patrick finally pulled his head out and saw what a treasure she was.

I haven’t read many Irish historical romances before but I have to say that I’ve really enjoyed the MacEgan series so far (I’ve read books 2-5) and I’m looking forward to reading more in the series.

Rating: 4 out of 5


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