Publisher: St. Martin's Press

Guest Review: The Big Alpha in Town by Eve Langlais, Milly Taiden & Kate Baxter

Guest Review: The Big Alpha in Town by Eve Langlais, Milly Taiden & Kate Baxter

Bearing His Name by Eve Langlais Jade sent snarky “Congratulations you’re a father!” cards to a whole slew of men in the same extended family.  Her sister Ruby is pregnant by one of them, but she has no idea which one.  She was at a Halloween party and only knows that the guy was dressed […]

Guest Review: The Luck of the Bride by Janna MacGregor

Guest Review: The Luck of the Bride by Janna MacGregor

When is March Lawson is just a teenager both of her parents die.  The estate is left in the hands of a guardian who basically ignores the family – March and her siblings (two sisters and a brother, Bennett, the heir who is only a baby when the parents died).  The keeper of the girls’ […]

Sunday Spotlight: Song of Blood and Stone by L. Penelope

Sunday Spotlight: Song of Blood and Stone by L. Penelope

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 I’ve been hearing a lot about Song of Blood and Stone by L. Penelope lately. It sounds amazing. I’m excited to […]

Review: Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon by Kerrelyn Sparks

Review: Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon by Kerrelyn Sparks

Gwennore was raised with 5 other women – her adopted sisters – in a convent on the Island of Moon. They were abandoned by their family’s because they were born Embraced (with magical powers). Gwennore is an Elf who can magically sense illness in others. She’s been training as a healer, but she isn’t as […]

Throwback Thursday Review: Welcome to Temptation by Jennifer Crusie

Throwback Thursday Review: Welcome to Temptation by Jennifer Crusie

Every Thursday in 2018, we’ll be posting throwback reviews of our favorite and not-so-favorite books. This review was originally published on June 3, 2008. So after reading Bet Me, I checked my shelves to see if I had any other Jennifer Crusie books. Shockingly enough, I had this one. Coming down off the high that […]