Publisher: Self-Published

Guest Review: Tough To Love: Saving Avery by Ava Catori

Guest Review: Tough To Love:  Saving Avery by Ava Catori

I’ve made no bones about the fact that novellas are not my favorite literary format for a  number of reasons, but the most telling in the case of this story is that one can seldom do justice to a weighty subject.  I have read other Catori stories and found them to be well done and […]

Review: Ruin by C.J. Scott

Review: Ruin by C.J. Scott

  The story is told from the first person point-of-view of Kate, a college student home for the summer. She hates the small town where she grew up, and only comes back because her parents guilt her into it. When a sexy strangers lands in town, she decides immediately to have him. Only her feelings […]

Review: That One Night by Sarah Billington

Review: That One Night by Sarah Billington

This was such a short, that it felt more like a chapter of a story but even still, I enjoyed it.  It was a pretty damn good chapter. This short story follows Annie.  Annie’s best friend Bree is having a birthday party of sorts and Annie goes.  She’s pretty excited about seeing her best friend […]

Guest Review: Neanderthal Seeks Human by Penny Reid

Guest Review: Neanderthal Seeks Human by Penny Reid

Janie is having a bad day. She found out her boyfriend was cheating on her and then goes into work and gets “downsized.” She’s pretty upset but wraps up her feelings and puts them away in the closet in her head, like she does everything else. She’s more flustered by the security guard who escorts […]

Guest Review: Awakening by Serena Grey

Guest Review: Awakening by Serena Grey

Sophie lives in a small town near Seattle, Washington. Her mother died giving birth to her (she has no idea who her father is) and her nasty aunt became her guardian. She was given no love, no affection and allowed no friends. She lived there until being shipped off to Catholic boarding school. She was […]