Publisher: Random House

Review: America’s Sweetheart by Jessica Lemmon

Review: America’s Sweetheart by Jessica Lemmon

America’s Sweetheart is the fifth book in Jessica Lemmon’s Real Love series and it features a second chance romance that I enjoyed a lot. The hero, Jackson Burke is a character that we met in the last book Rumor Has It. He was Barrett Fox’s best friend and we see him get his happy ending […]

Guest Review: The Devil’s Thief by Samantha Kane

Guest Review: The Devil’s Thief by Samantha Kane

Julianna started a foundling home in a bad part of London with her father some time ago and it’s now in dire straits.  She hasn’t kept up with the rent, spending what little money they had to buy things for the children, like food and clothing.  Now the building has been sold and the new […]

Sunday Spotlight: America’s Sweetheart by Jessica Lemmon

Sunday Spotlight: America’s Sweetheart by Jessica Lemmon

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 America’s Sweetheart by Jessica Lemmon is the fifth book in the Real Love series and it’s a book that I’ve been […]

Throwback Thursday Review: Cry No More by Linda Howard

Throwback Thursday Review: Cry No More by Linda Howard

Every Thursday, we’ll be posting throwback reviews of our favorite and not-so-favorite books. Enjoy! This review was originally posted on October 2, 2009. When I first read this book, it was only a year or so after I first discovered Linda Howard. After the Night, Shades of Twilight, Son of the Morning; I loved them. […]

Review: The Breakup by Erin McCarthy

Review: The Breakup by Erin McCarthy

The Breakup is the second book in the Jordan Brothers series and it follows two characters from The Hookup that I just could not care about. The siblings of the characters from The Hookup. I really enjoyed the first book and wanted some closure where the rift between the two Jordan brothers were concerned so […]