Publisher: Harlequin

Guest Review: Baby Twins to Bind Them by Carol Marinelli

Guest Review: Baby Twins to Bind Them by Carol Marinelli

Tracy’s review of Baby Twins to Bind Them by Carol Marinelli Candy is a nurse in the ER. She’s getting over her recent fling with Gerry, a head nurse in the ER, and is looking forward to a vacation that she booked – she’ll leave in 2 weeks. In that time, however, she needs to […]

Guest Review: Exposed by Zoey Williams

Guest Review: Exposed by Zoey Williams

Tracy’s review of Exposed by Zoey Williams Macy’s friends Ella and Jasmine want her to date! It’s been five years since her last date and since then she’s been losing herself in her event planning job. Having a job you love is wonderful but so is a man…and sex! Jasmine wants to set her up […]

Guest Review: Under Her Clothes by Louisa Edwards

Guest Review: Under Her Clothes by Louisa Edwards

Tracy’s review of Under Her Clothes by Louisa Edwards Colby is determined to show the culinary world that a woman can get a great job as an executive chef just as easily as man could…well kind of. She actually dresses like a man to prove that she has the skills like a man but would […]

Guest Review: Darian Hunter: Duke of Desire by Carole Mortimer

Guest Review: Darian Hunter: Duke of Desire by Carole Mortimer

Tracy’s review of Darian Hunter: Duke of Desire by Carole Mortimer Darian Hunter, spy for the Crown, is none to happy with his younger brother who he believes is lusting after a notorious and scandalous widow. He tells his brother to back off but his brother dismisses Darian’s concerns. Darian decides that he’ll talk to […]

Review: The Shape of My Heart by Ann Aguirre

Review: The Shape of My Heart by Ann Aguirre

Courtney and Max made out once or twice at various parties, but it didn’t go any farther than that. Which is good, since they end up roommates. When Max is called home to attend a funeral, he can’t face it alone and asks Courtney – who has become one of his best friends –  to […]