Genre: Westerns

Guest Review: Saving Grace by Sandy James

Guest Review: Saving Grace by Sandy James

If a consistent quality to this author’s work is to be found, and there are many–by the way–, I would have to say that she packs so many aspects of a situation into one story. I think that is especially true in this novel that is set in the 19th century American “Old West” and […]

Guest Lightning Review: Fool’s Gold by Cassandra Dean

Guest Lightning Review: Fool’s Gold by Cassandra Dean

Christmas Eve, the Diamond Saloon is empty of its people, and Pearl la Monte has a hankering to retire early. A pounding at the Diamond’s door rids her of such a fool notion. Her irritation rises when she sees the prissy, polite-like Garrett standing outside. Ethan Garrett has a powerful need to gain succor. When […]

Guest Review: A Rainbow for Christmas by Mary Montague Sikes

Guest Review: A Rainbow for Christmas by Mary Montague Sikes

Having been raised on a farm but yet a very gentle woman, Meg is scared and rightfully nervous about travelling to Denver by wagon train. Her brother and sister and law have both died leaving her with her 5 year old niece, Eliza. Her fears about travel lesson as the days go by but her […]

Review: Big Sky Mountain by Linda Lael Miller

Review: Big Sky Mountain by Linda Lael Miller

Before I get into my review, can I just say that Hutch Carmody as seen on the cover of this book is freaking delicious? I want to eat him up! I’ve cut back on the amount of cowboy books that I read because the last few books that I tried just weren’t that memorable. They […]

Review: Montana Dawn by Caroline Fyffe

Review: Montana Dawn by Caroline Fyffe

I’m not a huge fan of Westerns. I know Wendy and Sybil adore them, but the time period just isn’t one I care for. That isn’t to say I don’t love Cowboys, because hello…but the Old West has never been my cup-a. That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy the occasional story, however. Montana Dawn was […]