Genre: Fantasy

Review: Five Weeks by Dannika Dark

Review: Five Weeks by Dannika Dark

I wasn’t a big fan of Jericho in the previous books, but I was pleasantly surprised by him here. At first he was kind of an immature jerk, but as the novel wore on he grew up and I ended up really liking him. Izzy was a good heroine for him. She was funny and […]

Review: Shards of Hope by Nalini Singh

Review: Shards of Hope by Nalini Singh

  I loved Aden going into this book, and he didn’t disappoint. Zaira was the wild card. I didn’t dislike her in previous books, as I don’t think we got to know her very well, but I was a little leery about her as Aden’s heroine. She ended up being my favorite part of the […]

Review: Six Months by Dannika Dark

Review: Six Months by Dannika Dark

I struggled more with this book than the first. The heroine made some questionable decisions that really took me out of the story. When her grandmother died, April inherited a crappy trailer and a mountain of debt. She worked hard to pay her grandmother’s debts, but just when she thought she could see the light […]

Review: Scarlet Heat by Evangeline Anderson

Review: Scarlet Heat by Evangeline Anderson

I’ve read several of Anderson’s books in the past. She has some writing quirks that really frustrate me, but I generally enjoy the premise and meat of her stories. I didn’t love Crimson Debt, the first book in this series, but I was curious enough about the heroine of this book to continue reading the […]

Review: Seven Years by Dannika Dark

Review: Seven Years by Dannika Dark

Seven years ago, Lexi’s older brother died in a motorcycle accident and her world imploded. Her mother got pregnant and her father left. Since then she’s been struggling to deal with the pain of her loss, helping her mother raise her younger sister, and working a dead end job at a candy shop. When her […]