Format: eARC

Review: Fireworks by Sarina Bowen

Review: Fireworks by Sarina Bowen

I’m not sure how she does it but Sarina Bowen wrote another winner for me. I’m really enjoying this series and each book just keeps entertaining the socks right off of me. Fireworks follows Benito Rossi as he finally reunites with the one that got away and tries to get things right this time around. […]

Review: Rock Hard by Nalini Singh

Review: Rock Hard by Nalini Singh

I thought I would enjoy this book far more than I actually did. I really did enjoy Charlotte in Rock Addiction. There was obviously a backstory there and I was very interested in reading her book. Then I read it and I wasn’t interested anymore. I just didn’t care. Charlotte has been hurt. Violently. Ever […]

Review: Rock Addiction by Nalini Singh

Review: Rock Addiction by Nalini Singh

This book and I have a love/hate relationship. I beta read this book way back when. I didn’t particularly care for it. I liked Molly, but I didn’t really like Fox. That all changed when I read it for the second time. I really liked Molly and I liked Fox. This time around, I liked […]

Sunday Spotlight: Diamond Fire by Ilona Andrews

Sunday Spotlight: Diamond Fire by Ilona Andrews

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 The Hidden Legacy series by Ilona Andrews get a lot of love from all of us. Casee, Holly and I have […]

Guest Review: Plus One by Brighton Walsh

Guest Review: Plus One by Brighton Walsh

Olivia, Emma and Ian have been best buddies for 20 years. They tell each other just about anything and get each other out of bad situations, like when one is on a blind date and having the worst time ever because their date is talking about cat pee.  This was the case when Ian called […]