Featured Review: Mornings on Main by Jodi Thomas

Featured Review: Mornings on Main by Jodi Thomas

Jillian James is a wanderer. Her father lived a nomadic, off-the-grid lifestyle and taught her to do the same. For years she’s been drifting aimlessly, never staying anywhere long or forming attachments. Recently she started following the path her father took, searching for some clue as to where he may have been in the past, […]

Bookish Thoughts: Holly’s Ultimate Christmas Wishlist

Bookish Thoughts: Holly’s Ultimate Christmas Wishlist

Every month, Casee, Rowena and I tackle a different bookish and sometimes non-bookish topic together. This month, we’re sharing our Christmas wishlists with you lovely readers. For me, Christmas is about giving, not receiving. That doesn’t mean there aren’t things I’d like to see for me under the tree. I went with a more practical […]

Review: One More Time by Laurelin Paige

Review: One More Time by Laurelin Paige

Jenna and Tanner (Janner) were the Hollywood’s “It” couple 10 years ago. They loved each other fiercely, until the day Tanner betrayed Jenna and ruined it all. Now they’re working together on a feature film that’s sure to give Jenna the boost her career needs. If only she can keep it together. Tanner’s been wanting […]

Christmas Gift Alert: Bookish Lunch Bag

Posted December 11, 2018 by Rowena in Features | Tagged: | 3 Comments
Christmas Gift Alert: Bookish Lunch Bag

Way back in 2008, we started a feature called “Christmas Gift Alerts“. This was to give you, our lovely readers, a few ideas about what bookish gifts to tell your loved ones that you would like, what bookish gifts to buy for yourself, or what bookish gifts to buy for that special someone in your […]

Review: Fall by Kristen Callihan

Review: Fall by Kristen Callihan

Fall is the third book in Kristen Callihan’s VIP series and it features our troubled hero, Jax Blackwood. You’ll remember Jax from the previous books as the member of Kill John that tried to kill himself. He finally gets his happily ever after and it wasn’t easy to come by. Jax battles a bunch of […]