Review: Filthy English by Ilsa Madden-Mills

Review: Filthy English by Ilsa Madden-Mills

This book. I can’t even with this book. I tried to like it, I really did. I stayed with it like a champ. I should have DNF’ed it, I really should have. I just don’t like not finishing something that I started. So I stuck with this book until the bitter end. Two weeks before […]

Review: 99 Percent Mine by Sally Thorne

Review: 99 Percent Mine by Sally Thorne

99 Percent Mine is Sally Thorne’s sophomore release and it was another enjoyable romance between two quirky characters that kept stumbling around each other until they finally get things right in the end. I didn’t enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed Thorne’s first book but it was still a solid read overall. Darcy […]

Review: If He’s Daring by Hannah Howell

Review: If He’s Daring by Hannah Howell

If He’s Daring has been languishing in my TBR for years. I absolutely adored Hannah Howell back in the day, but I’m afraid some of her magic has worn off. Still, I was in the mood and figured I’d give this one a try. Lady Catrin Gryffin de Warrene is a widow whose brother-in-law is […]

2018 Reading Year in Review: Casee

2018 Reading Year in Review: Casee

I started 2018 with absolutely no expectations for myself except to try to read. I had no idea how many books I was going to read, I just wanted to read. I wasn’t planning on reading new authors, new genres, new anything really. If I did, that was great. 2018 turned out to be much […]

Review: Tikka Chance on Me by Suleikha Snyder

Review: Tikka Chance on Me by Suleikha Snyder

Tikka Chance on Me by Suleikha Snyder is the first novel I’ve read by the author. Amazon popped it up in my recommendations several times, and Nalini Singh recommended it in her last newsletter, so I figured I’d give it a try. It was a great story. Pinky Grover and Trucker Carrigan grew up in […]