Brenda Novak’s Annual Online Auction for Diabetes Research

Posted May 8, 2008 by Casee in News | Tagged: , , , | 2 Comments
Brenda Novak’s Annual Online Auction for Diabetes Research

This is the 4th year that Brenda Novak has held her online auction. Go forth and check it out. You can get an ARC of a book you’re dying for and have the money go to a good cause. If you’re an aspiring author, you can get an Author Critique or an Agent Evaluation. There’s […]

Review: Wicked Pleasure by Lora Leigh

Review: Wicked Pleasure by Lora Leigh

Book description: Jaci Wright has been running from Cameron Falladay, for seven years now. Fears of the desires he arouses in her, and the knowledge of the relationship he wanted with her spurred her to run, to find a life that kept hertraveling the globe and out of his reach. His and his twin brother’s. […]

Review: Welcome to Temptation by Jennifer Crusie.

Review: Welcome to Temptation by Jennifer Crusie.

At the request of someone, I can’t remember who, I picked up this book and started a reading adventure that I have enjoyed immensely. Jennifer Crusie writes witty contemporaries that are full of steamy sex, lively characters and awesome storylines that drag you along for a wild, hilariously funny roller coaster ride that leaves you […]

Author Spotlight: Jennifer Crusie – Calvin Morrisey

For the JC author spotlight, here is another post Ween did over at our old blog. Women the world over want one thing from men. One of many things I’m sure, but one thing in particular. To be accepted and loved for who they really are, both inside and out. Now, let’s face it, most […]

Review: Fire and Ice by Anne Stuart

Review: Fire and Ice by Anne Stuart

Book description: In the wake of a failed love affair, brainy beauty Jilly Lovitz takes off for Tokyo. She’s expecting to cry on her sister Summer’s shoulder, then spend a couple months blowing off steam in Japan. Instead, she’s snatched away on the back of a motorcycle, narrowly avoiding a grisly execution attempt meant for […]