Category: Promotions

Book Watch: My Soul to Steal by Rachel Vincent.

Book Watch: My Soul to Steal by Rachel Vincent.

YOU WANT MY SOUL AND MY BOYFRIEND? Trying to work things out with Nash—her maybe boyfriend—is hard enough for Kaylee Cavanaugh. She can’t just pretend nothing happened. But “complicated” doesn’t even begin to describe their relationship when his ex-girlfriend transfers to their school, determined to take Nash back. See, Sabine isn’t just an ordinary girl. […]

Excerpt: Deadly Intent by Kylie Brant

Excerpt: Deadly Intent by Kylie Brant

Prologue She could hear him breathing. Icy talons of fear shredded the fabric of sleep and brought Ellie Mulder instantly awake. Old habits had her keeping her muscles lax, her eyes still closed as she strained to identify what had alerted her. When she did, her blood ran as cold as the frigid Colorado wind […]

Guest Author: Kylie Brant – Where Characters Come From

Guest Author: Kylie Brant – Where Characters Come From

Kylie Brant is visiting Book Binge today. The newest book in her Mindhunter series, Deadly Intent is out on November 2nd and it’s awesome!! To a writer, people are endlessly fascinating. Every single one of us, no matter how mundane our lives or routines. Whether it be our utter predictability, our opinions, or experiences, each […]

Excerpt: Somewhere Along the Way by Jodi Thomas (and a note from the author)

Posted October 25, 2010 by Holly in Promotions | Tagged: , , , | 0 Comments
Excerpt: Somewhere Along the Way by Jodi Thomas (and a note from the author)

Jodi Thomas is one of the best contemporary romance authors I’ve read in a long time. Her books are filled with humor, depth and a lot of emotion. I love her small town settings. Today she’s shared a wonderful excerpt with us, along with her thoughts on the book. _________ Thanks for asking me tell […]

Guest Author: Jodi Thomas – Interview

Guest Author: Jodi Thomas – Interview

Today have bestselling author Jodi Thomas here to talk about her latest release, Somewhere Along the Way, the second book in her Harmony, TX series.  Stick around to check out an excerpt and read a note from Jodi later today. _______________ Book Binge: Both Harmony books have the feeling of people coming home – realizing […]