Category: Miscellaneous

Ew, Yuck and a double OMG!

Posted October 17, 2008 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | Tagged: | 16 Comments
Ew, Yuck and a double OMG!

Ok – so the book I was just reading was pretty good. Good story and I liked the characters. They weren’t vanilla – especially in the bedroom. As the hero said…when it comes to sex, all bets are off. Anyway there was one scene where the hero and the heroine were having anal sex in […]

Spreading the Lurve

Posted October 11, 2008 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | Tagged: | 6 Comments
Spreading the Lurve

Christine over Happily Ever After… awarded me an I love Your Blog award. Wasn’t that nice? She’s such a sweetie and I just love her blog as well. As I said to Christine…where else can I go to get my “Do the Math” type posts? Only at the HEA! 🙂 Edit – apparently I was […]

Happy Birthday Stacy!

Posted October 11, 2008 by Holly in Miscellaneous | Tagged: , , | 4 Comments
Happy Birthday Stacy!

Today is Stacy‘s Birthday, all. Go over and wish her a happy one, will you?Stacy’s Place was one of the first reader blogs I visited when I started out in Blogland. To this day, she’s one I read every day. She’s always sweet and kind and she has really fun and insightful posts. If you […]

Ain’t She Sweet?

Posted October 9, 2008 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | Tagged: | 19 Comments

So they’re starting the kids early in the communication department. This week began poetry memorization in 1st grade. My youngest had to learn the poem she received on Monday so that she could say it in front of the class today – apparently this will be a weekly occurrence. She will be graded on memorization, […]