Category: Miscellaneous

She’s Gooooooooooone!

Posted May 8, 2009 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | Tagged: , | 8 Comments
She’s Gooooooooooone!

Where has she gone, you may ask? Guess…Yep today I’m off to a weekend getaway with the hubster. That’s right – no kiddles! He’s taking me for a birthday/Mother’s day weekend away! We’re gonna gamble and drink and go to movies (cuz we haven’t see anything but kids movies in forever!) and sleep and just […]

Hot Cowboy Day

Posted May 5, 2009 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | Tagged: , | 10 Comments
Hot Cowboy Day

Since I have nothing to post today I’ve decided to make this Hot Cowboy Day! I mean really, why the heck not?Enjoy the scenery! Who doesn’t love a cowboy? Sweaty, hot, muscled men with big calloused hands just waiting to rope and ride. Why do I feel the sudden urge to vacation at a dude […]

Happy Birthday Nath!!

Happy Birthday Nath!!

I hope all of you will join us in wishing Nath – of Books, Books and More Books and Breezing Through – a very Happy Birthday. Nath has been one of our guest bloggers for quite some time and she’s also a good friend. Nath, I hope you have a wonderful day filled with good […]

Too Many Books

Posted April 2, 2009 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | Tagged: , | 22 Comments
Too Many Books

A week or so back Kris from Kris ‘n’ Good Books was stating in one of her posts that she had umpteen books to read in her personal TBR, plus books that she need to read for reviews and yet she still found the need to purchase yet more books! Can you imagine? Buying books […]