Category: Miscellaneous

My Baby…the Yellow Belt

Posted July 3, 2009 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | Tagged: , , | 13 Comments
My Baby…the Yellow Belt

At the beginning of May youngest daughter started Taekwondo and has been loving it. Seriously loving it. Like she wants to go every day and when she’s there she wants to stay for more than one class loving it. She caught on very quickly and the Sensei has said that it just seems natural for […]

Mean Kids Suck Update

Posted June 4, 2009 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | Tagged: , | 6 Comments

I know you’re all just dying to know what happened at dance class this week (Tues). Well, surprisingly…not a damned thing. The girls that were mean last week got to the studio a little late and didn’t hardly talk to each other much less talk about anyone else. Then when one of the girls’ mom […]

Lisabea is Evooool!

Posted May 29, 2009 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | Tagged: , | 10 Comments
Lisabea is Evooool!

She posts these things that force me to interrupt my job and post them. I mean really…does she care nothing for my work? So here’s the result of my playing around! And I’m not sure where they got the soft spoken voice info (not from any questions I answered) because anyone who’s met me knows […]

Mean Kids Suck!

Posted May 27, 2009 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | Tagged: , | 22 Comments
Mean Kids Suck!

Start rant: My oldest daughter just started jazz dance classes 2 days a week (3 weeks ago) . Her classes are at the same time as my youngest’s taekwondo classes so I sit over at the martial arts studio and read during the classes. My oldest has ADHD and gets waaaay too distracted when I’m […]