Category: Miscellaneous

Happy Birthday Nath!!!

Happy Birthday Nath!!!

We have a lot of posts going up today, but I wanted to take a second to wish Nath a Happy Birthday. Nath, We hope you have an amazing day filled with great food, great friends and great books! Much love, Holly, Casee and Rowena *image via MyAnimeList

Help a Girl Out: Black Dagger Brotherhood Qhuestion

Posted April 30, 2010 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | Tagged: , | 8 Comments
Help a Girl Out: Black Dagger Brotherhood Qhuestion

So I’m currently reading Lover Mine by JR Ward.  So far so good but I’m just not that far into it yet so I’m reserving  my thoughts on the book until I’m done. However, I appear to be having a serious brain lapse and it’s making me a bit crazy.  I seem to have forgotten, […]

A Weighty Matter

Posted March 31, 2010 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | Tagged: , | 25 Comments
A Weighty Matter

How the hell did women in historical times stay trim – or at least not be the size of a small whale? For some reason I’ve been thinking about this a lot. Maybe it’s because I keep telling myself I’m going to start exercising and eating more healthy foods. Yeah, right. Anyway, the thought has […]

How long is too long?

How long is too long?

Lisa Valdez’s long awaited Patience is being released on April 6th, almost five years after the release of Passion. Karen Robards’ third book the Banning Sisters Trilogy, Shameless, is being released eight years after the release of Irresistible. When you think about the staggering amount of time between releases, it could make you wonder. Why […]

Playing a Game of Tag

Posted March 6, 2010 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | Tagged: | 14 Comments
Playing a Game of Tag

Tam at Tam’s Reads tagged me on this one. You have to give 10 statements about yourself, only 2 of which are true. And you my pretties get to sort out the truths from the lies. It’s harder than you think, seriously.  I was born in Germany. I’ve never ridden on a motorcycle. I lived with my […]