Category: Miscellaneous

I Have the BEST Friends!

I Have the BEST Friends!

I really do have the best friends ever.  I get little notes just to say hi and see how I’m doing and it really makes me smile and feel all warm and fuzzy inside to know that people are thinking about me.  It’s so thoughtful and so deeply appreciated. This is one I got yesterday […]

Happy Birthday Casee!!!!

Posted April 20, 2011 by Holly in Miscellaneous | Tagged: , | 10 Comments
Happy Birthday Casee!!!!

We’ve been friends for a lot of years now. I’m so glad you’re finally part of the “30-Something” Rowena and I don’t feel so ancient. Here’s wishing you good wine, good reading and silent kids (do I know you or what?). We love you. xoxox Holly and Rowena

The Challenge Has Been Issued….*Bet Me*

The Challenge Has Been Issued….*Bet Me*

As most of you know, I adore Jennifer Crusie’s novel, Bet Me. Although I’ve enjoyed many of her other novels, Bet Me is the best of the best. It would put it in the top 5 of my all time favorite contemporary romances. It’s amazing. Over the weekend I met up with Lori, Tracy and […]

Edited: Readers Beware of Unprofessional Authors

Edited: Readers Beware of Unprofessional Authors

Holly: Today a little birdie sent us a link to this post, Authors Beware of Unprofessional Reviewers (see the title of my post? Clever, right?), in which Sylvia Massara whines about the bad review she received here on our site. I find this extremely amusing because 1) the author already threw a giant hissy fit […]