Category: Features

Booking Through Thursday: Goldilocks

Posted September 6, 2007 by Holly in Features | Tagged: , , | 11 Comments
Booking Through Thursday: Goldilocks

Okay, so the other day, a friend was commenting on my monthly reading list and asked when I found the time to read. In the ensuing discussion, she described herself as a “goldilocks” when it comes to reading–-she needs to have everything juuuuuust right to be able to focus. This caught my attention because, first, […]

Booking Through Thursday: Statistics

Posted August 30, 2007 by Holly in Features | Tagged: , , | 8 Comments
Booking Through Thursday: Statistics

There was a widely bruited-about statistic reported last week, stating that 1 in 4 Americans did not read a single book last year. Clearly, we don’t fall into that category, but . . . how many of our friends do? Do you have friends/family who read as much as you do? Or are you the […]

Booking Through Thursday- More Than Two

This week’s questions is: One book at a time? Or more than one? If more, are they different types/genres? Or similar? (We’re talking recreational reading, here—books for work or school don’t really count since they’re not optional.)Izzy says: One book at a time? Or more than one? If more, are they different types/genres? Or similar?(We’re […]

Booking Through Thursday…Multiple Copies?

Posted August 9, 2007 by Rowena in Features | Tagged: , | 6 Comments
Booking Through Thursday…Multiple Copies?

This week’s Booking Through Thursday question made me laugh because I know someone who has hella copies (that’s ebonics for a whole LOT of copies) of the same book. I don’t understand it but she does, so there you have it. On with the question though…. Do you have multiple copies of any of your […]

Best Reads of July

Alright, so it’s been a hella slow month for me on the reading tip but I know for a fact that Izzy and maybe Holly have gotten a lot of reading done so this month is solely for them. I don’t even want to list how many books I’ve read this month because it’s pretty […]