Category: Discussions

Julia London

Julia London

For all Julia London fans, Julia has started a new bulletin board that you can visit here. She has written many unforgettable historicals…among them The Devil’s Love and Wicked Angel. If you register as a user, you will be automatically entered to win 1 of 6 ARC’s of Julia’s new book, The Dangers of Deceiving […]

Guest Blog: Historical Vs. Contemporary Heroines

First of all, a big thanks to the Book Bingers for asking me to write a guest post. I feel so special. 😛 So basically all I’ve got are some ramblings on characters: historical and contemporary heroines and characters in series. Historical vs. Contemporary Heroines – what gives? A hero is a hero – no […]

Please tell me it isn’t true

Posted October 15, 2007 by Casee in Discussions | Tagged: , , , , , | 22 Comments
Please tell me it isn’t true

Was anyone at either of J.R. Ward’s recent signings? The signing where she allegedly said that Blaylock is…wait for it… GAY????? Please, put me out of my misery. No, really. Can this series get any more unbelievable? Honestly, I have nothing against a m/m romance. Take Jules Cassidy from Suz Brockmann’s Troubleshooter series. He’s finally […]

What Gets To You?

What Gets To You?

Last week, the girls did a post about their top three tear-jerkers. Books they cried buckets while reading. At the time, I couldn’t think of any to add to the mix. I know there have been several that touched a cord with me, but I just couldn’t put my finger on a single title. Maybe […]

Guest Blog: Foreign Languages in Novels

Guest Blog: Foreign Languages in Novels

Est-ce important pour vous que l’orthographe et la grammaire des langues étrangères soient corrects dans les livres que vous lisez ? Si oui, est-ce très ou peu important ? Is it important for you that the spelling and grammar of the foreign languages be faultless in the books you read? If yes, how important is […]