Category: Discussions

Want To Be A Little More Specific? Please?

Want To Be A Little More Specific? Please?

see more crazy cat pics You know what drives me absolutely batshit crazy? When an author is vague about a physical description. For example: I was reading a book last night and the author described the heroine as having generous curves. She was “curvy”. She had “curves”. I’m sorry, but WTF does that mean? Is […]

From Bookstore to Library

From Bookstore to Library

When is it that we give up on buying our favorite authors’ books at the bookstore? On Saturday afternoon, I found myself at the library checking out the new Karen Robards book (in hardcover). This is the first new release of Robards that I haven’t ran out and immediately purchased. That got me to thinking…what […]

What I’m Currently (not) Reading

What I’m Currently (not) Reading

I seem to be in a reading slump lately, and it really sucks. This is the kind of slump where nothing sounds good. I’ve picked up 5 6 books in the last 2 days and just can’t stick with any of them. I’m trying, but it’s slow going. I’ve heard great things about each of […]

SEALed With A Kiss: Great Moments

SEALed With A Kiss: Great Moments

I’m still working on my review for SEALed with a Kiss by Mary Margret Daughtridge, who has graciously agreed to be here with us on Thursday. To be honest, I’ve kind of lost my reviewing mojo, and even though I know what I want to say about the book, actually putting it down on paper […]

Reading Historical Romances

Last week’s post kicking off our Read Jo Goodman Crusade brought out several readers who don’t read historical romances. That got me thinking…why? What is it about historical romances that certain readers just don’t like? Is it the time period? Is it the Lord and Lady of the manor storyline that gets old? The gowns […]