Author: Tracy

Guest Review: Archangel’s Heart by Nalini Singh

Guest Review: Archangel’s Heart by Nalini Singh

The Cadre of Ten have been called to a meeting at Lumia near Morocco.  The Luminata are angels that seek luminescence and are all about peace and comfort.  Since the archangel Lijuan is missing and the Cadre doesn’t know if she’s dead or just sleeping they must decide what to do wither territory.  Elena is […]

Guest Review: The Untouchable Earl by Amy Sandas

Guest Review: The Untouchable Earl by Amy Sandas

After a meeting eyes with the Earl of Harte across a ballroom and staring at him for an extended period Lily knows that she wants to get to know him better.  Unfortunately he seems to be made of steel and ice and when he’s introduced to the ladies in her group he snubs her.  Weird, […]

Guest Review: Lord of the Runes by Sabrina Jarema

Guest Review: Lord of the Runes by Sabrina Jarema

Eirik Ivarson is just back from the raiding season and has been celebrating.  Unfortunately he passes out and doesn’t hear the attack on his village right away.  A group of outcasts have attacked and are taking over the village.  Eirik sees his father die and Eirik almost dies as well when he’s pulled over a […]

Guest Review: Immortal Defender by Lisa Hendrix

Guest Review: Immortal Defender by Lisa Hendrix

Torvald is a Viking warrior who was cursed long ago, alone with many others, to live a life of half man, half stallion.  By day he is man but when the sun sets he turns into a white stallion. He is in London staying with a friend when he meets Josian Delamere.  They find a […]

Guest Review: While the Duke Was Sleeping by Sophie Jordan

Guest Review: While the Duke Was Sleeping by Sophie Jordan

Poppy has this dream about the Duke of Autenberry.  She fancies herself in love with him so one day when he leaves the flower shop where she works, and gets into an argument with another man and then a fistfight, she jumps in to save him.  Unfortunately saving his life made him bump his head […]