Author: Tracy

Review: Let Me Be The One by Bella Andre

Posted January 1, 2014 by Tracy in Reviews | Tagged: , , , , , | 2 Comments
Review: Let Me Be The One by Bella Andre

How far would you go for a friend? Back in San Francisco preparing for her big art show, Vicki Bennett needs help protecting herself and her career from the unwelcome advances of one of the judges. She knows that her longtime friend and baseball star, Ryan Sullivan, will know just how to handle things, and […]

Review: The Backup Boyfriend by River Jaymes

Posted December 31, 2013 by Tracy in Reviews | Tagged: , , , , | 0 Comments
Review: The Backup Boyfriend by River Jaymes

Professionally, Dr. Alec Johnson has almost reached his goals. As this year’s recipient of a humanitarian award with his ex, Dr. Tyler Hall, Alec’s work with the homeless is about to be recognized. Unfortunately, his personal life sucks because now he has to attend several events alongside Tyler—with his ex’s new boyfriend in tow. In […]

What I Read Last Week

What I Read Last Week

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! I’ve had the last 5 days off and let me tell you I loved every minute of it. I love my job but it’s always wonderful to have time off.  Today is a big day in Tracyland. My oldest daughter is 16 today! I can’t believe it! […]

Guest Review: Desperately Seeking Heaven by Jill Steeples

Guest Review: Desperately Seeking Heaven by Jill Steeples

Tracy’s review of Desperately Seeking Heaven by Jill Steeples Love always comes when you least expect it, at least that’s what PA Alice Fletcher tells herself as she looks forward to another Friday night of trash telly and wine-for-one. But what happens when the unexpected is daytime TV crush Jimmy Mack, and he’s sitting on […]