Author: Rowena

Review: Maybe Baby by Lani Diane Rich

Review: Maybe Baby by Lani Diane Rich

It would appear that Holly and I are on the same reading wave length because like her, I’m all about the human on human action right now. I don’t want to read anything too deep nor do I want read anything too dark at the moment. What I’m itching to read is some good chick […]

Booking Through Thursday: School Days…

Booking Through Thursday: School Days…

…Golden Rule Days. Alright, so I started doing this meme last week over at my personal blog, and we thought it’d be cool to do the meme here on our team book blog as a team, so starting this week, Izzy, Holly and myself will be adding our thoughts to the weekly questions over at […]

Review: The Kept Woman by Susan Donovan

Review: The Kept Woman by Susan Donovan

I started this book yesterday because I just couldn’t finish Crazy Sweet, it’s gonna have to be a DNF read for me because I just couldn’t get into it. I hated the whole Red Dog crap and I’m still peeved that Jane isn’t Travis’ heroine, though I did like C. Rydell Smith sounds like a […]

Quick….Rush Over to Sybil’s Blog…

Quick….Rush Over to Sybil’s Blog…

…because she’s got guest author Lora Leigh over there. The great Syb has a fantastic author interview up with Lora Leigh and I know that there a bunch of Lora Leigh fans out there, who read this blog so make sure that you guys rush on over there and get your read on because Lora […]

Review: Crazy Love by Tara Janzen

Review: Crazy Love by Tara Janzen

Okay, this is the second to the last book of the series and the second to the last book of my TBR Challenge that Ames and I started in the beginning of the year. YAY ME! Finally, we have Dylan Hart’s story. The story that brings Dylan Hart and Skeeter Bang (LOVE HER NAME) together […]