Author: Holly

Review: And Then He Kissed Her by Laura Lee Guhrke

Review: And Then He Kissed Her by Laura Lee Guhrke

  I haven’t really been in the mood for a historical in ages, but Kris had a review of this book up and it sounded nice, so I decided to pick it up. Emma is a girl-bachelor and secretary to Harry, Viscount Marlowe. She’s been writing etiquette novels with the hope of being published by […]

Silence is the Better Part of Valor

Posted June 19, 2007 by Holly in Discussions | Tagged: , , | 16 Comments
Silence is the Better Part of Valor

Generally, as a rule, I try to stay out of the Blogland drama. Authors Behaving Badly? Reviewers being mean and not paying homage to all author ass? Meh. Doesn’t interest me. But every once in awhile, something grabs my interest or sparks something inside of me and I can’t keep silent. I’m ashamed to say, […]

Liz Carlyle is at The Good, The Bad and The Unread Today

I think historical romance author Liz Carlyle is a fabulous. She’s written several novels I enjoyed and many I haven’t read yet (this historical slump is killing me…). Go say hello and wish her well, will you? Sybil always does fun stuff when she has authors visiting and who knows, she may even have a […]

Blog Pimp!

Posted June 8, 2007 by Holly in Promotions | Tagged: , , | 14 Comments
Blog Pimp!

Photo Cred I’m here pimping a new blog today. For about 3 years, I’ve had my very own personal book pimp. Her name is Casee and she’s awesome! When I first met Casee years ago, we were both members of a Message Board and we seemed to like the same types of books. Since I […]

AAR, RWA, Etc,..

AAR, RWA, Etc,..

I’m just many of you keep up with the happenings at places like RWA, AAR, RTB, Avon Authors and etc? Personally? I don’t visit them at all. Or rarely, I suppose. If I’m directed there, sure, I’ll check it out, but I don’t make a habit of it. As a reader, I’m much more […]