Author: Holly

Let’s Get Ready to Ruuuumbllle….

The lines have been drawn, y’all. The players selected and the teams are manning the battle lines. That’s right, it’s a full on blog war…. What prompted this, you wonder? Well, I’ll tell you…. Sebastian St. Vincent and Derek Craven. Two swoonworthy heroes, but one man is better than the other…what side are you on? […]

What Gets To You?

What Gets To You?

Last week, the girls did a post about their top three tear-jerkers. Books they cried buckets while reading. At the time, I couldn’t think of any to add to the mix. I know there have been several that touched a cord with me, but I just couldn’t put my finger on a single title. Maybe […]

eBook Prices AKA Books on Board is the way to go

eBook Prices AKA Books on Board is the way to go

I recently read Sea Swept by Nora Roberts. After seeing Ween’s Hero of the Month post, I was curious about this book, so I decided to buy it. I wanted it right away, so that meant buying in eBook format. When I first started purchasing eBooks, something like a year ago, the prices were quite […]

Email Mystery: Suzanne by Michael Betcherman

Email Mystery: Suzanne by Michael Betcherman

Ag recently reviewed this and I was intrigued by the concept. Basically this story is told in the form of emails. But unlike some other books that have recently been published with a similar theme, the reader in this case actually receives the story in the form of 3-5 emails per day. At first I […]

Email Mystery: Suzanne by Michael Betcherman

Email Mystery: Suzanne by Michael Betcherman

Suzanne Braun had it all – the big house, the luxury car, the expensive vacations. Then her husband died, but not before making a series of reckless investments that depleted his fortune. When a promising relationship with a well-heeled and aging suitor ends badly, the beautiful widow finds herself a social pariah, universally regarded as […]