Author: Holly

Joint Review: No Strings Attached by Susan Andersen

Joint Review: No Strings Attached by Susan Andersen

 H: The blurb is pretty accurate, so no recap. I didn’t read the two previous books in the series, but I didn’t feel like I missed anything major. The main characters from those books play a large part in this one, only as they related to the hero and heroine of this book. Holly:  Can I just say, […]

One Day #Giveaway: Try Me On For Size by Stephanie Haefner

One Day #Giveaway: Try Me On For Size by Stephanie Haefner

Today only, we’re giving away 3 downloads of Try Me On For Size by Stephanie Haefner.  A sexy, laugh-out-loud love story about a woman trying to save her failing lingerie business with a new product—“personal massagers” made to the specs of the spokesman of her choice! But when she falls for the first model she […]

Review: Losing Control by Jen Frederick

Review: Losing Control by Jen Frederick

This started out slow for me but really picked up about 1/3 of the way in. I think the blurb is a bit misleading. It makes it sound like the book is about a billionaire trying to buy a weak, virginal heroine. That isn’t the case. It isn’t even about exchanging help in a revenge […]

Release Day Giveaway: It’s In His Kiss by Jill Shalvis

Release Day Giveaway: It’s In His Kiss by Jill Shalvis

To celebrate the release of It’s In His Kiss, the latest in Jill Shalvis‘ Lucky Harbor series, TODAY ONLY we’re giving away 5 copies! To enter use the rafflecopter widget below. Be sure to check out Tracy’s review and an excerpt. ONE KISS CAN LAST FOREVER Becca Thorpe has uprooted her life and escaped to […]

Review (+ Giveaway): The Best Kind of Trouble by Lauren Dane

Review (+ Giveaway): The Best Kind of Trouble by Lauren Dane

Natalie and Paddy hooked up years ago when he was just getting started in the music biz and she was a waitress at a dive bar they frequented.  In the intervening years, Paddy’s band, Sweet Hollow Ranch – which is made up of all his brothers – exploded and he’s now a major rock star. […]