Author: Holly

Books to Binge On: August 2018

Books to Binge On: August 2018

Rowena: Another month, another list of upcoming releases that we want to binge on. Here are the books that we want to binge on in August. It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time by Kylie Scott. Returning home for her father’s wedding was never going to be easy for Adele. If being sent […]

Review: The Hellion by Christi Caldwell

Review: The Hellion by Christi Caldwell

The Hellion is book 1 of the Wicked Wallflowers series by Christi Caldwell. It’s the first book in the Wicked Wallflowers series, but it’s a spin-off of another series I didn’t read. I felt like I missed out on quite a bit by not reading the first series. Especially the way the brothers interacted with […]

Review: Iron and Magic by Ilona Andrews

Review: Iron and Magic by Ilona Andrews

I wasn’t sure what to expect from Hugh. He was a villain in Kate’s world. Yet I could never hate him. Still, not hating a bad guy vs wanting him to get a happy ending? I’m happy to report it really worked. Not that I’m surprised. Andrews always pulls me in. Hugh has been cast […]

Sunday Spotlight: The Accidentals by Sarina Bowen

Sunday Spotlight: The Accidentals by Sarina Bowen

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 Order the Book: AMAZON | AUDIO | PAPERBACK | IBOOKS | KOBO | NOOK Excerpt After the last course—chocolate mousse—the three […]

Review: Melt for You by J.T. Geissinger

Review: Melt for You by J.T. Geissinger

Melt for You is the second book in the Slow Burn series. Aside from the “slow burning” romances, I’m not exactly sure how these books are connected. None of the characters from this book were featured in the first book, Burn for You. Joellen Bixby is a quiet, rather passive woman who has had a […]