Author: Casee

Review: Sin Undone by Larissa Ione

Review: Sin Undone by Larissa Ione

Casee‘s review of Sin Undone (Demonica series, Book 5) by Larissa Ione. HER TOUCH IS DEADLYAs the only female Seminus demon ever born, master assassin Sinead Donnelly is used to being treated like an outcast. She spent decades enslaved, and now vows she’ll die before she’ll relinquish her freedom again. Then Sin’s innate ability to […]

Why do you read e-books?

Posted August 19, 2010 by Casee in Discussions | Tagged: , , | 18 Comments
Why do you read e-books?

I read e-books for the convenience factor. That and because for every e-book I buy, it’s one less print book that is in my house. Since my house is slowly being taken over by books, I’m sure that I know someone that would be happy if I scrapped the mass markets all together and went […]

Review: Edge of Hunger by Rhyannon Byrd

Review: Edge of Hunger by Rhyannon Byrd

Casee‘s review of Edge of Hunger (Primal Instincts, Book 1) by Rhyannon Byrd. Ian Buchanan has always felt the unknown—the deep, impenetrable darkness that lives within him. Yet he is determined to lead a “normal” life, ignoring the unsettling dreams in which he succumbs to his wildest desires.… Until psychic Molly Stratton tracks him down, […]

Guest Author: Lila DiPasqua on fairy tales

Guest Author: Lila DiPasqua on fairy tales

Author Lila DiPasqua is here to talk about her new book Awakened by a Kiss. I know that I love a good fairy tale. If you do, you should check out this book. Everyone loves a fairy tale. They have delighted us for centuries. But do you know when or where Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty or […]

Review: My Forbidden Desire by Carolyn Jewel

Review: My Forbidden Desire by Carolyn Jewel

Casee‘s review of My Forbidden Desire (My Series, Book 2) by Carolyn Jewel. Alexandrine Marit is a witch in mortal danager. An evil mage craves the powerful, mysterious talisman that supplies her magic, and the only person who can keep her alive is a dark and dangerous fiend called Xia. With his fierce animosity toward […]