We are on week #182 and I’m glad to see that this feature has turned into a community effort. You guys seriously rock for sending in covers that make our heads hurt and our eyes bleed. This week’s cover is another good one and thanks to reader Brenda for bringing it to our attention.

I’m glad that she’s perfect for him because the cover is anything but perfect. Yikes guys. Just yikes.
Good heavens that is awful. I felt compelled to go to Amazon and read the description. Apparently the heroine gets breast cancer so that’s why her breast is so prominent on the cover, but ick.
Hey, I give the author mad props for getting Salvador Dali to make a cover for her book! I mean, the exquisite use of perspective on the table vs. the subjects ALONE… Masterpiece.
Looks to me like someone trying to pay and “hommage” to Klimt’s “The Kiss”–and failing!
It’s like a messed up cross between medieval iconography and a porno magazine.
Wow…this is bad. Its like a bad art drawing from a grade school kid mixed with an old fresco painting from an ancient preteen just learning how to draw.
And WTF is up with the weird table? Its like its an extension of his ass or something…