Today’s cover comes to us from reader Sandy. Said this popped up in her Goodreads feed. I have so many questions…like who is she friends with and/or what books is she reading to get these kind of recs?
Two Fisted tales of Captain Future? What is this?
What happens when aliens arrive promising technology if you can pass a simple test?
Is it really so simple and why is it necessary for Captain Future to stick a corn cob there deep inside her?
This 6,000+ word erotica contains detailed descriptions of hot corn cob loving including masturbation and vaginal situations.
Corn cob loving?
Of course I scrolled through the comments/reviews on Good reads and what pops up?
I may never eat corn again….
Corn Porn…*snort*
And I have no idea who or what I followed —apparently I didn’t do enough research with my ‘friends’ list….lol