Title: Demon’s Kiss
Author: Eve Silver
SERIES: This is book 1 in the Compact of Sorcerer’s series
Ciarran (Pronounced Keer-an) is a High Sorcerer. He’s lived for 1000 years and his job is to keep humans safe and protect the barrier that separates the humans and the demons.
Twenty-one years ago Ciarran felt a breach in the barrier and went to investigate. He discovered a horrid scene: a car crash…but the human adults had been flayed open by a demon. He also discovered a small child. The Pact he lives by makes it impossible to heal the child, but he wraps her in his magic to take away her pain while she dies. The child then surprises Ciarran and starts pulling his power from him and heals herself. Whoa.
While Ciarran is distracted by what the child is doing, which he didn’t know was possible and he is weak from having his power drained, a demon attacks him and tries to throw him into the demon world. He manages to barely defeat the demon but he pays a huge price. His hand was put into the demon world and was infected with a demon seed. Never a good thing to happen.
It is now present time and Ciarran feels a problem in the continuum (the barrier). He is thrown together with Clea, the girl that stole his power those many years ago, and discovers that she is the conduit that can open the barrier and let the demon of all demons into this world. He can’t let that happen and there are many looking for her to do just that. He also can’t let any harm come to Clea as he has feelings for her even though whenever they are near each other she drains more and more of his powers and the demon seed that he has fought against all these years get closer and closer to getting out.
There are many things about this book that I liked and there were a few I didn’t like – I think it was equal in the end.
Let’s see…I liked Clea. She had been through some hard times in her life. First by losing her parents but then living with her Grandmother she had faced hunger, poverty and yet more death. She was taught, however, that you just deal. Hard times hit, life gets rough, but you deal with it. When demons start attacking her she doesn’t freak out. Ok, she freaks out a little cuz come on, they’re freakin demons!!! but she doesn’t let it effect her to the point where she can’t do anything for herself like so many heroines we see these days. She gets up, dusts herself off and tries to figure out how to fix the situation. I really, really liked that about her.
Ciarran I kind of liked. He really was in a state of turmoil throughout the book, which he had been for the past 21 years since he was implanted (or whatever you want to call it) with the demon seed. He’d been fighting his demon side and pretty much winning the battle ‘til he got with Clea and then, as I’ve said, she drained his power, power that was keeping the demon seed at bay. I have to say I found him a little whiney. Not all the time but he was fighting his ds (demon seed) and trying to keep Clea safe and trying to figure out how to stop this uber-demon from coming through the barrier and all he could think about was boffing Clea…all the freakin time!!! On top of that it was: “I can’t be with her cuz I’m part demon.” He barely thinks about the fact that he shouldn’t be with her because he’ll have no powers left! It’s just got old.
Ok then there was the attraction between the h/h, of course, but I think it got to be a little too much. I want him, I want her…over and over. Just have hot monkey sex already! I was so damned happy when they finally had did it! I love sexual tension but this wasn’t tension so much as an annoying want. Kind of like a buzzing in my ear. And how many times can a woman look at a man and think how savagely beautiful he is? We get it. He’s beyond good looking. You’re in desperate times and you take the time to see how gorgeous he is. Arggggg! Stop it!
Also, and maybe someone can help me with this…how many times can a heroine wet/lick her lips before they just become too chapped to kiss? Cuz Clea was doing it about every 2 seconds it seemed. She wetted her lips…she licked her lips…she unconsciously stuck her small pink tongue out to wet her lips. My God! If I licked my lips that much they would be dry and cracked and there would be no way in hell any man would find that attractive!! Invest in some chapstick. Not that expensive. Really. (I’ve been seeing heroines licking their lips regularly in books lately and a time or two is fine. As much as this chick did it? Uh, no.)
Alright so my final verdict on the book is 3 out of 5. This was my first book by this author. I liked the book and will read the next one but there were some things in the book that I could have done without.
You need to try her historicals! I love them!! She’s definitely stronger in that genre, imo :).
Argh…I was hoping for a “OMG READ THIS!” or a “OMG THIS SUCKS”. This book has been collecting dust on my shelf for about a year now, and your review did NOTHING to change that. Should I get rid of it? Well, no, I might like it. Should I move it to the top of the TBR pile? I dunno, I might hate it.
Damn these middle-of-the-road reviews!
Amy – I’ll look into her historicals!
Jenb – lmao! Oh that was funny. I guess it was a middle of the road review because it was a middle of the road book. It wasn’t great but it wasn’t horrible. Enjoyable but nothing too earth-shattering. For you? I’d probably say pass. Based on what I know about the books you like I think you’d pick it up and put it down soon thereafter. That’s just my humble opinion.
I thought about trying one of Eve Silver books for some time now, but I keep hearing mixed things about her. Based on your review, I think “Demon’s Kiss” has an interesting premise but (at the moment) I’m rather irritated with characters who are in a state of constant lust so I think I better pass this one.
Thanks for your review.
Yeah with Jen on this one I have it sitting in the pile gathering dust (I even have a signed copy) but alas can’t seem to pick it up to read shucks
Thanks for the review. I’ve had this on my TBR for a while now. I’ve seen the cover for book 2 floating about and it’s so beautiful. But I’ll wait until I read this one to read the new one. 🙂
Taja – I don't technically have a problem with the people in constant lust. I'm reading a book now that has that but it's written in a way that it's not annoying. IDK – I guess it's just the way it's portrayed.
Sarai & Christine – I'll be reading book 2 sometime in the next couple of weeks so I'll do a review on it and let you know how it is.
Christine – yes! I love the cover of book 2. Very nice.