I love you more than…

Posted March 20, 2009 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | 10 Comments

Last night I was sitting on the couch in the family room when my youngest ( age 6.5) came over and crawled into my lap. Facing each other she put her head on my shoulder and we just hugged for a minute or two before she said:

Youngest: Mama?

Me: Yeah baby?

Y: I love you.

Me: I love you too, baby.

A minute or two of hugging commenced, then:

Y: I love you more than a chicken.

Me: awww…wait, what?

Y: (with a big ole silly grin on her face) Well, if we had a pet and it was a chicken, I’d love you more than the chicken!

She didn’t let me respond to that – she just crawled off of my lap and ran laughing into the other room.

Yep, she’s my kid. Crazy!


10 responses to “I love you more than…

  1. LOL!! Aw…kids are the best. Every day I look at mine, getting so big and I get sad. I don’t want them to get big!! What can I say, I’m selfish. I love my babies.

  2. LOL Isn’t it crazy? I swear that kid comes up with the nuttiest things. Love you more than a chicken? I guess she’s original! 🙂

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