Mean Kids Suck Update

Posted June 4, 2009 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | 6 Comments

I know you’re all just dying to know what happened at dance class this week (Tues). Well, surprisingly…not a damned thing. The girls that were mean last week got to the studio a little late and didn’t hardly talk to each other much less talk about anyone else. Then when one of the girls’ mom asked why my oldest was wearing an ankle wrap/brace the girls just stood around and listened to my daughter like they were fascinated by the explanation. It was little like being in the Twilight Zone. My fervent hope is that it continues to be a non-issue.

Thanks again for all of your support last week.

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6 responses to “Mean Kids Suck Update

  1. That's good to hear. Kids are strange like that. One day they are mean and the next they are acting like they are friends. I know it's like that with the little boy my son has been friends with since he was in first grade. He lives a few houses down, spends the night all the time and plays over almost every day. but then there are periods where they fight and aren't friends anymore! Mostly because Jason is mean and harasses Devin on the bus. That's when I corner the poor child in my house and 'harass' him! LOL I'm so mean, but hey, he's got to know he can't tell his friends that he can beat them up! What kind of shit is that?

    Anyway, I hope all stays calm with those girls and your daughter.

  2. Kids are fickle. I bet they all forgot about it (I mean the mean girls) and so it won't be a problem anymore (or they've chosen a new target).

    I'm glad you didn't have to deal with them 🙂

  3. KB – she's good! Very happy about not having to deal with the girls last week.

    Amy – My oldest had a friend that used to live down the street like that. He got to the point where he decided he couldn't play with her any longer cuz she was a girl and his friends would make fun of him. My poor daughter was devastated!

    Thanks Lea!

    Brie – I'm right there with you. Every week I'm finding myself on edge now just wondering. 🙂

    Nath – I certainly hope you're right! 🙂

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