What Happens in London by Julia Quinn: A Review, Yet, Not

Posted July 15, 2009 by Tracy in Reviews | 10 Comments

When Olivia Bevelstoke is told that her new neighbor may have killed his fiancée, she doesn’t believe it for a second, but still, how can she help spying on him, just to be sure? So she stakes out a spot near her bedroom window, cleverly concealed by curtains, watches, and waits… and discovers a most intriguing man, who is definitely up to something.

Sir Harry Valentine works for the boring branch of the War Office, translating documents vital to national security. He’s not a spy, but he’s had all the training, and when a gorgeous blonde begins to watch him from her window, he is instantly suspicious. But just when he decides that she’s nothing more than a nosy debutante, he discovers that she be engaged to a foreign prince, who might be plotting against England. And when Harry is roped into spying on Olivia, he discovers that he might be falling for her himself…

There have been so very many reviews of What Happens in London that I can’t possibly write another:

You see? A lot of reviews – and this is only the tip of the iceberg.

So I’m just gonna tell you some of my thoughts.

I loved it. Ok, I’m done.

Just Kidding. Not about loving it though. I really did and there are so very many reasons why!

Olivia and Harry’s relationship was like a breath of fresh air. I think Ms. Quinn realy outdid herself in the simplicity of the relationship. The pair talked, and danced, and laughed and yes, kissed. It was just the sheer enjoyment of the other persons company that is sometimes so lacking in romance novels that got me with this one. Not that it doesn’t ever happen but a lot of the time it’s assumed – not so with this book.

Harry – oh, Harry. What a wonderful hero Harry is. He really had a messed up childhood and home life but yet he rose above it without becoming jaded. The first part of the book goes into detail about his father being a drunk and his mother really not caring about anything. While I felt that this was important information I thought that it was a little more lengthy than I would have liked. Again – important info though. It showed why Harry got out of his house as fast as possible after finishing school and therefore going into the service and ultimately why he was working for the War Office and spying on Olivia. It was also important info to have when it came to Harry’s brother Edward and why Harry had no patience for him because he felt Edward was becoming exactly like his father. Also why Edward was troubled (I can’t think of the appropriate word) by Harry because he felt Harry had left him to deal with their father alone instead of being there for him when he needed him. But despite all the trials and tribulations of Harry’s youth he became an incredible man who was really very romantic. I mean the guy got “randy” reading French Poetry! lol How often do you read that about a hero!

Then we have Olivia. I have to be honest, when I read The Secret Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheevers I did not see Olivia as being a strong enough heroine to carry her own book. I’ll say it right now – I was wrong. Olivia was strong heroine in the fact that she can really hold her own. She speaks her mind most of the time, but knows when to shut it. Ok, well, most of the time she knows when to shut it. She enjoys reading the paper and political discussions. And she’s not going to settle for just any man. Despite being the daughter of an Earl and this being her 3rd season out and have many, many marriage proposals she’s not going to settle for just anyone. All of those men see her as beautiful and an Earl’s daughter – but they don’t see her for who she really is. Harry does and when he explains why he loves her it put a big fat smile on my face.

There was a portion near the end of the book where we got into this crazy, unexpected suspense plot that frankly kind of threw me out of the book for a bit. I realize that most historicals have some part of the story line where the hero is saving the heroine or vice versa but I just didn’t feel this book needed that. It was just so good on its own.

I have to tell ya – Julia Quinn is fast becoming one of my all time favorite historical romance authors.

So final thoughts…a lovely, heartwarming, charming, romantic book that I think historical romance readers will enjoy.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

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10 responses to “What Happens in London by Julia Quinn: A Review, Yet, Not

  1. I'm glad you enjoyed the book so much Tracy!! 🙂

    I liked the simplicity of the book, but at the same time, I felt it was a tiny bit too bland ^_^; The last bit of the book where Olivia gets kidnapped didn't blend in well with the storyline… I think if something else happened that made more sense, it would have been perfect. Ah well 🙂

    Looking forward to her next book 😀

  2. Great review Tracy!

    I hear you on how many romances of today features a lot of angst between the hero and heroine. It seems that the lust but dislike theme is pretty popular. No wonder WHIL was so refreshing.

    I love Julia Quinn and I'm huge fan of her Bridgerton series with 'When He Was Wicked' being favorite. I really enjoyed 'The Secret Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheever' also. I agree too that I didn't think of Olivia as heroine material b/c I was pretty surprised to see she was getting her own book. Glad to see that she was a wonderful read though.

    I wonder who Quinn will write about next…


  3. Nath – while the book started off slowly for me once it got started I didn't think it was bland at all. And while the kidnapping thing didn't seem to fit Quinn wrapped it pretty quickly so it didn't seem to drag.

    Jenre – Now this is me personally: I would compare this to the early Bridgerton's. They just gave me that great feeling I got when I read them. Pretty romantic.

    VFG – that's it exactly. The h/h's seem to be having lots of sex but just denying themselves the emotion.
    I liked Cheevers too (although a lot of people didn't because they felt it was old school). Olivia and Harry were wonderful to read about, despite my misgivings on O's book. 🙂
    Oh, and the next one for this series is Harry's cousin Sebastian Grey who is incredibly charming and very funny. Should be good!

  4. This is still in my TBR (Yes! I finally have one!! It's about 10 books big now. I'm a slutette!!!) I'm glad you liked it. Makes me feel better about it.

  5. This book was the total antidote to that angst overload I was suffering from a few weeks ago. I loved the time JQ spent on Harry and Olivia just enjoying each other's company.

    Harry was actually on my heroes list, and would have been next, if someone had picked one of my earlier choices.

    Can't wait for Sebastian's book!

  6. Lori – you have a TBR???? That's awesome! lol Don't show your hubby – he'll think you're going the way of the Book Sluts! lol

    Renee – I completely agree. Just a wonderful, very little angst, let's actually like each other and fall in love story.
    I can't wait for Sebastian's book either!

    Mandi – Harry was wonderful!!!
    I'm hoping that Edward gets his own book as well. Quinn started showing that he might be pulling himself out of his drunk but it didn't get explored at all so I'm thinking we might see more of him. Cross finger.

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