The first day of school

Posted August 20, 2009 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | 21 Comments

Well today was the first day of school and it seemed to go well. My oldest was disappointed that she didn’t get the teacher she wanted but she quickly adjusted. My youngest has 2 teachers that job share so we’ll see how that goes. Here they are in all their glory (oldest in 6th grade and youngest in 2nd).

notice my youngest is sticking her tongue out – stinker!

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21 responses to “The first day of school

  1. Your girls are so cute. I hope they have a good school year. These pics remind me of when my kids were in school and I was taking pics before school with the 3 of them saying "Aww Mom, no more pictures", lol.

  2. This sure does bring back the memories. My mom took pictures of us on the first day of school as well.

    You daughters are adorable.

  3. They look so beautiful in their new school get-ups!!

    Devin doesn't start school until Sept. 8th. He still has a few weeks. He was also a little disappointed that he didn't get the teacher he wanted, but he does have some friends following him again so it made it okay for him!

  4. Thanks everyone. I think they're cute too so it's nice to have confirmation! lol

    Lily – my kids are the opposite – they WANT me to take pictures of them!

    Amy – after my oldests first day she's LOVING her new teacher so hopefully Devin will too – even though it's not the teacher he originally wanted.

    Nath – she IS tall. She's almost 5'. I'm thinking she'll pass my 5'5" sometime in the next year or so. Yikes!

  5. They are cuteypops!

    My big littley went back Wed. 'Primary 2' we call it (2nd grade). Got him to wear a tie for the (probably)last time this term. Ah well.

  6. Awwwwwwww, your girls are adorable!!!
    Mine is in the 10th grade… Where the heck does time go!!!
    I hope you have a great night and a wonderful tomorrow!

  7. lol Tump – I hope you took a picture of the momentous occasion that your son wore a tie. 🙂 So cute.

    Cecile – thank you! Wow 10th grade. I cringe at the thought of my oldest being old enough for high school! lol

  8. Two complete cuties! All the boys will be around in a few years Tracy 🙂

    Actually, my niece is…I think….a similar age to your eldest daughter. My brother told me the other day that boys are completely banned. Considering what he was like as a teenager, I can see why he has said that!

  9. See how late I am? I suck. Anyway, such cutie patooties.

    OMG, 6th grade. You realize that's year one of the "black hole years". You know the years where they think their parents are completely ignorant and clueless? Yeah, those years.

    My two were split. One went through 6-8th grade with nary a ripple or rebellion. The other, well, he didn't. Heh. So much fun!

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