Review: Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs

Posted November 7, 2009 by Tracy in Reviews | 12 Comments

Mechanic Mercy Thompson has friends in low places-and in dark ones. And now she owes one of them a favor. Since she can shapeshift at will, she agrees to act as some extra muscle when her vampire friend Stefan goes to deliver a message to another of his kind.

But this new vampire is hardly ordinary-and neither is the demon inside of him.

Mercedes’ vampire friend Stefan calls her and asks her for a favor. She’s not really sure what to expect but ends up accompanying him to a hotel in her coyote form. What they come up against is a vampire who’s a sorcerer. This makes the new guy in town one bad mo fo, let me tell ya.

So some bad shit goes down and Stefan, one of his vamp friends and a couple of werewolves go after the sorcerer vamp. One of the werewolves, Mercy’s friend Warren, comes back fom the hunt but he’s near death. The others are missing. Adam and Samuel decide to go after vamp man themselves and disappear. It’s pretty much left up to Mercy to find them and take down the bad guy.

I have to say that when I was reading the book I was totally into it from page 1. Talk about getting sucked into a book and staying there. But when it came down to only Mercy to catch the bad guy I have to say I was more than a little skeptical. Here are vamps and werewolves who are meaner than junk yard dogs and yet we’re leaving the saving up to a little coyote woman who’s scared shitless? There was really no way I was buying that…until I kept reading. Patricia Briggs just has a way of writing that had me totally believing that this was A-Ok and that Mercy could do it no problem. Mercy, for all of her fright in some areas of life, is one bad ass chick. She handles herself in such a way that it seems perfectly normal for all of this to be happening to her. Of course she had to go after the big bad when he’d taken her friends – she’s not the type of person to sit around and take that. She does what she needs to do, but she knows her limitations and it’s one of the things that I love about her character.

Then there’s the whole aspect of the book that has to do with her love interest. Is it Samuel…is it Adam? I know who I want it to be and am told that I just need to read 1 more book to find out if I’m right. Whatever you do, do not tell me! lol I want to find out on my own.

So loved the book – am loving the series – hate that I waited so long to read it. Isn’t that how it always is when you find a series you dig? If only I could kick my own ass for it. Ah well…on to the next book.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

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12 responses to “Review: Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs

  1. Trust me when I say the next book in the series will tear out your heart, stomp on it and yet totally have you rooting for more. I'm evil, I know. 😀

  2. I've not finished this one yet. I put it down and have not picked it up again. I adore Mercy, she is the coolest. 🙂

  3. Bridget – oh dear heavens! That's NOT going to make me read it any sooner. I like my heart right where it is! lol

    Mandi – I thank you for your code of silence.

    Sarah – get on that, would ya? So good.

  4. I bought the first one due to reading about MY Charles with Anna. So, I had to buy it to start it. No, I have not yet read the book yet… But I am hoping to do that soon! I am glad that you enjoyed the book and I am glad that the story was good… especially with the "all the guys are down for the count and the woman has to save their ass" kinda situation. I am glad to hear that it made sense to you. Because had it not, it would be hard for me to read the rest.
    I hope you have a great weekend!

  5. I read this one recently and completely agree with your review! Briggs has a way of writing the impossible in a way that is so realistic, so "down to earth" I would say. Like you, I love that she knows her limitations, too.

  6. I was so glad I bought these and had them all in my tbr once I started reading because I couldn't stop once I got started. It was sublime to read the first 5 back to back.

  7. Hmmm. Methinks this is the perfect opportunity to enquire as to what would you do so I don't spill the beans…kidding *grin* I won't say a word. I do look forward to hearing your thoughts on Iron Kissed (the next in the series).

    Oh, and I love how Mercy is competent and aware of her limitations…and the bigger picture. She's a great heroine. Oh, and I love Warren 🙂

  8. Blood Bound was my favorite because of Stefan. I really like Stefan in this series… and I could care less of Adam and Samuel ^_^;

  9. Cecile – I started with the Alpha and Omega series first too and it's great to see side by side stories in this series.

    Kay – I think that's what I love about Briggs' writing. She makes such believable characters even though we're reading about vamps, shapeshifters and Fae.

    Rosie – I wish I could have done that but didn't have them all at once. I'll start book 3 this week and then will have to get book 4 from the library. 🙂

    Orannia – bribery? Oh how low you've sunk! lol Thanks for not spilling – it's appreciated! 🙂
    I love Warren too!

    Renee – Thank you! Thank you so much for talking me into buying that first book. 🙂

    EH – Oh boy – I'd better mentally prepare myself before I start reading #3. 🙂

    Nath – I really like Adam and Samuel, Warren, and Stefan. Stefan sounds like an up standing guy, that's for sure. 🙂 And how can I not love his VW van painted like the Mystery Machine?? lol

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