The M/M Meme

Posted November 13, 2009 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | 18 Comments

Kris over at Kris ‘n’ Good Books, in a fit of apparent boredom and procrastination, decided to produce one of those meme thingies all based around m/m books. Jenre at Well Read has tagged me so that I too can procrastinate. Thanks Jenre – every little bit helps. 🙂


1. Answer all the questions below in either the comments here or post it on your own site. If you post it on your own site you have to come back and give the link here so I/Kris can mosey on over and see if you answered correctly have a sticky beak.

2. You have to tag two other people once your done and pester them relentlessly until they do the meme too.

3. Instead of a meme image thing you have to post a cookie, preferably a twofer. It is an m/m meme after all. 😉

The hardest thing of this whole thing was choosing which cookie to let you all gnaw on! Too many choices! So here’s a twofer and a singlet all for you.

(Both stolen borrowed from Lisabea’s blog.)


1. How long have you been reading GLBTQ fiction?
I read my first m/m book in June 2008.

2. What was the first book you read in this genre?
Fatal Shadows by Josh Lanyon

3. Are you ‘out’ as a reader?
Kinda? Some of my friends know, and my boss…as well as all of my virtual friends. My hubby, after meeting Lisabea, knows that I read it but for some reason thinks I only read her books. I have no idea where he got that idea, it’s not like I hide what I’m reading.

4. Ebooks, print or both?
I have a couple of print books but mostly ebooks.

5. Do you buy direct from publishers or from secondary sellers?
Both, but mostly from sellers.

6. Prove you’re a Book Slut. How many books would you say you buy a week?
Books in general? I average about 25 a month. I go in spurts with the m/m and buy a bunch at a time…maybe it averages out to 2 a week? I don’t have a clue.

7. Are you a cover, blurb or excerpt buyer?
Blurb mostly. If the blurb gets me then I’ll read an excerpt, but not always.

8. Yeah, you read reviews, but do you actually take notice of them?
Most of the time, yes. Although if it’s a book that I’m looking forward to reading I usually don’t read the review because I want no spoilers.

9. Who’s your fave publisher?
I don’t think I have a favorite.

10. What about authors? Your top two only!!
2? Are you insane? I can’t narrow it down to 2! Ok, I’ll try:
Josh Lanyon & JL Langley

11. Is there a sub-genre you particularly dis/like?
I’m not a huge fan of fantasy in general so that would go for m/m as well.

12. Short or long?? rolls eyes And, no, I’m not talking about cocks.
I probably read more shorts or novellas than longer books but I like both. I like thick ones as well. Heh. Print books you pervs!

13. Anything turn you off about m/m or is all just glorious smut to you?
I think I’m with Jenre – not a fan of shifted sex. I can read it but it really has to be done well – and that’s saying something since I love shapeshifter stories.

14. Finish this sentence. You know it’s m/m twu wuv when…
the fat lady sings. No? Ok, then how about …they admit they’re gay.

15. What trope or theme are you heartily sick of in m/m romance?
Can’t say I’m totally sick of it but there have been a ton of GFY stories out there lately.

16. If you could choose any 3 characters for a m/m/m who would they be?
Rhys (Langley’s With or Without series)/David Cooke (LB Gregg’s Happy Ending)/Ridley (KZ Snow’s Seeking Something Wicked)

17. What new GLBTQ release are you most hanging out for right now?
The Dark Tide (AE book 5) by Josh Lanyon

18. What GLBTQ book has completely blown you away this year?
Almost Like Being in Love by Steve Kluger. That is closely followed up by The White Knight by Josh Lanyon – Loved them both like chocolate.

19. What do you think we’ll see more of in m/m romance in 2010?
Women? lol Just kidding. I’d have to agree with Jenre and say Steampunk

20. Don’t you agree that author Josh Lanyon should kill off arsehole character Jake Riordan?
Absolutely not! You leave Jake alone!

OK, so I now have to tag two people – just don’t either of you blame me. Remember this whole thing is Kris’ idea.

I tag:


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18 responses to “The M/M Meme

  1. Oh man, I was gonna tag you! But, my meme won't be up till Sunday, anyway.

    Thank you for the cookies. That poor guy, he looks a little dirty. Like he needs a bath. 😛

    I'll have to check out that KZ Snow and Steve Kluger! (Always looking for recs.)

    Hope you're feeling better, Tracy!

  2. Tam

    I love those first cookies but generally I like my cookies a bit cleaner. Interesting m/m/m combo.

    Hope you are feeling better.

  3. I love this tag/Meme but after those pics my eyes kinda stuck at that level 😉 Hhmmmmmm wonder if I can smuggle them over to me blog *grin*

    Going back to read your answers Tracy.

  4. Renee – aww, thanks for thinking of me. He does need a bath – but I like to think that he's smeared in chocolate and I need to lick him. 🙂

    Barbara – thanks, I liked them too. Yes, I'm sharing but they were put there for purely selfish reasons. lol

    Kris – *coughyoucough*

    Tam- My m/m/m combo is interesting in a good way or a bad way?
    You like clean cookies? Honey we need to have a talk. 🙂

    Chris – oh cool!

    KB – I know! teehee

    Leontine – they not mind being smuggled, just ask em. 🙂

    Jenre – thanks! Me too, oh, me too.

  5. I've really got to read Almost Like Being in Love. I bought the book a few weeks ago and it's still sitting on my desk.

    Nice cookies!

  6. Hmm… those are nice cookies! Is that chocolate on the 2nd cookie? *g*

    Anyway, love your answers. But you had to pick only 2 favorite authors? That's tough!

  7. I had a bad moment when I opened this at work and saw your cookies. ACK!!! i suppose if the…errrr… cookie for your blog wasn't already around I could blame it on some pr0n spammer, heh. Seriously, though… These are loads of fun. And I've been enjoying watching everyone needle Kris about Jake 🙂 (not that I did it in my meme)

  8. The cookies are….will have to save them on my home computer because….YUM! Although I perhaps should have checked once I was home *grin*

    Tracy – I ordered the Lucy Monroe from Amazon as I decided it was actually cheaper for me to do that than send you my copy. I look forward to hearing what you think of it…no pressure though 😉

  9. Great answer Tracy… I am going with you on the last one…

    ***saying that really quietly and quickly before sheriff Kris gets wind of my answer** …

    and I love Rhys and not to mention Sterling – eagerly awaiting their book…


  10. Lily – yes you do! It's so good. Just a sweet story.

    Hilcia – I know! Only 2 authors. That's a tough one. I have many that so that was definitely a difficult question for me.

    Lori – I'm keeping you on your toes, baby! lol You know me, I love the naked men pics! lol I love to needle Kris about Jake as well, it's just so fun. 🙂
    I'll have to check out your meme.

    Orannia – I sent you an email about the book – did you get it?

    EH – Yes – she needs to leave poor misunderstood Jake alone! 🙂
    Sterling and Rhys – yummy. I can't wait for their story.

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