A Slump? IDK

Posted December 9, 2009 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | 20 Comments

I wouldn’t really call what I’m going through a slump…but I’m not sure what else to call it. I want to read but nothing looks good. I have at least 250 books on my shelves + another 350 in ebooks (at least) but I can’t seem to choose a book! It’s frustrating!

It all started this past Friday night when I was getting ready to go on a jaunt/bus trip with my church. I wanted to take a book to read on the bus and for the life of me couldn’t choose one. I ended up throwing 2 novels and my ereader in the bag figuring something would click. That’s when I ended up reading Black Ice by Anne Stuart and it was wonderful. After that…back to the drawing board.

I figured I would read a book for The Book Binge and chose the new Stephanie Laurens…which after 3 days and only 200 pages I DNF’d. Ug. Help. Last night I called a halt to my frustration and decided to hang all the pictures, etc. that I’ve been meaning to hang for forever and that helped. But this morning when I wanted to choose something to read at lunch today…nothing. Wahhhhhhh! I’ve not had this issue before. Again, it’s not that I don’t want to read, but can’t seem to find one I want to read. (I did pick up a couple of the yaoi manga’s I had but even those took forever for me to grab..I only did it cuz I knew others were waiting to get them after me.)

I usually mix my romance sub-genre’s up so that this doesn’t happen…reading a historical, then a contemporary, then a paranormal, etc. each week….but, but, but….arg. It’s not helping!

What do you all do in these situations? Have any of you ever been in a situation like this? What do you recommend for therapy? lol I need all the help I can get.

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20 responses to “A Slump? IDK

  1. Tracy – I slump about twice a year. I do one of about three different things.

    1) Embrace the slump, re-read all my old favorites until one of them captures my imagination and I want more. ie: Reading Lord of Scoundrels can usually kick start a historicals run for me.

    2) Go audio. Sometimes listening to someone else read helps me find my reading mojo again. If you haven't listened to them, the Gemma Doyle series by Libba Bray is fantastic and very diverting.

    3) Read something totally outside my usual genre. I tend to go Young Adult when I can't seem to find anything that is working for me.

    Good luck, love, I'm sure you'll come out of it soon!

  2. Yes. I think I get overwhelmed by the choices. Take some deep breaths. Visualize your happy place (unless it's near your TBR pile).

    Next, I think you need to read something light and fun. I just finished Go Fish, a new m/m from Torquere. Here's the little blurb that'll be in my book post tomorrow:

    Go Fish by H. T. Murray. ebook. This m/m romance was great fun! I laughed out loud more than a few times at some of the wonderfully clever bits, such as this: "He had no idea why he was thinking with dramatic pauses now. He just was." Or this:

    He was not pouting.

    "Yes, you were."

    He was not doing a very good job of keeping his inner thoughts inner, either.

  3. You can't really tell by my reading lists. But I do go through some slumps. Like you have a bunch of books to pick from, but sometimes I just don't know which one to pick. LOL!

  4. (((Tracy)))

    Reading slump are…evil. Hmmm, I'm with Kati. If I fall into a reading slump I read something outside the main genres I usually read. So, I usually read to the crime/thriller section. Monkeewrench by PJ Tracy is a good example. Hmmm. Or you could split the difference and read romantic suspense (e.g. Linda Howard's Cry No More). Good luck – I hope it's over soon!

    Chris – I love that second excerpt!

  5. I am right there with you Tracy. I look at my TBR pile and pick up this and that, but nothing is really grabbing me at the moment. I am blaming it on the season and having my mind on all the things I have to do.
    I think Kati had a great suggestion about Re-reading an old favorite. This helped me get out of a slump a while ago.



  6. I think I may have figured it out..but I'm not sure. I haven't bought any NEW books in a while. The ones I have on my shelves have been there for a while and they're not appealing because I think I'm not intermixing the old with the new. Hmmmm…possibly?

    I've blog hopped today, which I haven't done in about 3 weeks because of time restraints…and my hubby being addicted to an online game. (love him) There were so many books that looked good to me! I was very excited by that fact.

    So I think I'm going to re-read – as Kati suggested…visualize my happy place per Chris…possibly watch a movie or two – my version of od'ing on tv since I don't watch, per Kris…try the books that Chris and Orannia suggested cuz they sound good…and possibly craft, although the last time I tried that I broke my dining room table (don't ask…no, really, don't ask) so hubby may not be up for that one. I'll keep it in mind.

    Thank you all for the great suggestions. I'll see how it goes. You guys are the best!

  7. Ms. Moonlight…It's nice to have someone sympatico at the moment, it really is. You can borrow all of the suggestions that people gave me and see if they work for you as well. 🙂

  8. I slump frequently, usually after I binge on one subgenre.

    I've beaten many a slump by rereading keepers and comfort reads, but sometimes I just have to switch genres altogether.

    I kicked my latest slump by trying a cozy mystery. It was called Homicide in Hardcover by Kate Carlisle. Super cute. Now I'm reading the Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder by Joanne Fluke. They're light mysteries, but they contain juuuust enough romance to feel comfortable. 🙂

  9. Yes Tracy, it only started happening to me after I collected a TBR pile (never before that). It's like I'm a kid in a candy store with too many options & can't choose.

    When that happens to me I don't consider the books I can't read DNFs because I know it's me (not the book), they go back to my TBR pile for later.

    I always re-read… go back to acomfort read (a sure thing) when that happens. OR, buy a brand new book that really catches my eye and my attention & ignore EVERYTHING else. That usually breaks the cycle. 🙂

  10. Tam

    Yeah, I have slumps. When I read intensively for a while I get burned out. Like JenB, rereading keepers help. They are easy, let me relax and just enjoy. Then I get fired up for new stuff. Slumps always do pass though.

    Umm. You have 350 TBR e-books? *gulp* You're going to be 93 before you get those done. LOL

  11. Sometimes a book is just such a hard act to follow. Like Black Ice! I think you need something that is more that weight and gravity…ooh, how about one of Charlaine Harris' Grave series?

  12. Re-reading is a great idea! I usually clear the decks and go to the bookstore and buy a book I've been excited about. But, re-reading is a sure win!

    OK, of to check out that book Chris mentioned!

  13. I'm always really indecisive about what to read, whether or not I'm in a slump. I tend to use a random number generator to pick a book for me whenever I can't decide. Doesn't work for everyone, but I like the surprise of it.

  14. Lea

    Hey Tracy:

    I've been in a semi slump for a while now and am finding reading short stories and novellas helpful.

    The Christmas season is upon us too and it is so busy I think it hard to concentrate on reading.


  15. Ugh, Tracy, I totally understand what you mean. I went through something similar not long ago… and seriously, my only solution is just to pick one book at random and wait till the feeling pass. Hopefully, it won't last long.

    Or you can always go buy a new book 🙂 that sometimes help 🙂

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