Playing a Game of Tag

Posted March 6, 2010 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | 14 Comments

Tam at Tam’s Reads tagged me on this one. You have to give 10 statements about yourself, only 2 of which are true. And you my pretties get to sort out the truths from the lies. It’s harder than you think, seriously. 
  1. I was born in Germany.
  2. I’ve never ridden on a motorcycle.
  3. I lived with my parents until I was 26.
  4. I went to college in Oklahoma.
  5. I’ve been pregnant 5 times.
  6. I was on the All Star Softball team in high school.
  7. One of the many places I’ve lived was Palm Springs, CA.
  8. I’m the only natural born child in my family – my siblings were adopted.
  9. I’m allergic to milk.
  10. I almost chopped my index finger off in the garage door closer when I was 10.
Good luck to you all.  I’ll let you know the “real” answers on Monday in my weekly post. Who to tag, who to tag? How about …..
  1. Lea of Closetwriter
  2. Lesley of LesleyW’s Book Nook
  3. Amy C of Romance Book Wyrm
  4. Ms. M of Moonlight to Twilight 
  5. Christine of The Happily Ever After
Have Fun!


14 responses to “Playing a Game of Tag

  1. MsM

    Oh this is so hard to guess! You've gave so many interesting responses. Hmmm….

    I'll guess that #5 & #10 are true.


    PS Thanks for the tag!!

  2. I have no idea!! Maybe #5 and #6 are true…

    Btw I'm drooling over your hottie of the week *sigh*

    And I'm reading Catch Me If You Can right now, so I'll be back for your review after I've finished it 🙂 So far I'm enjoying it very much!

  3. Lea


    This is really tough Tracy!! I'm going to say #2 and #9.

    I'm probably wrong – I really suck at this kind of thing.

    Thanks for the Tag! It was fun..


  4. Oh wow. You came up with a great list. I'm going to guess the true answers are #1 and #5 are true.

    Thanks for tagging me.

    I think. LOL.

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