My Idiosyncrasies with Books

Posted July 9, 2010 by Tracy in Reviews | 15 Comments

Do you have any?  I do.  
  • I’m not one that insists on having all of my books in alphabetical order but once read a series must remain together.  
  • I must have separate shelves for my TBR books and those books that I’ve already read.  If I have more than 1 book in a particular series in my TBR do they need to stay together? No.  I know, weird.
  • I crack spines *ducks and runs* but insist on not having the page turned down to hold a page.  That’s what a bookmark is for people!
Those are just a few off the top of my head.  What are some of your little quirks?


15 responses to “My Idiosyncrasies with Books

  1. Tam

    Sure it's nice if my books are in order buy not essential. I actually have very few paper books so it's not really an issue. When I got my new bookshelf I put PNR on a shelf and m/m on another, otherwise "whatever".

    I don't crack spines on purpose or fold over corners but if it happens I don't think about it much.

  2. OMG you crack the spines?!!!! My younger sister does this and therefore is not allowed to borrow my books EVER.

    I….maybe….dog-ear the pages

    I also…maybe…read the end before I start a book.

  3. Series books that have been read always have to stay together and in order. I crack the spines to make the book feel more comfortable in my hands. I hate struggling with a book that won't stay open. I never ever dog-ear the pages. If I keep collecting bookmarks, someday I'll have one for every single one of my books and they'll need their own shelf.

    Already read books and TBR books have their own shelves. A series always has to be read in order, therefore, first books in series have a separate shelf from books that are mid-series and are waiting for the previous ones. Stand-alones have another shelf.

    And NONE of this is in alphabetical order. I don't know how I ever find anything.

  4. "I'm not one that insists on having all of my books in alphabetical order…"

    What?! *clutches throat* BLASPHEMER!

  5. My books are in order in my TBR pile by author then title and they are logged in my computer…

    I collect my "favorite series" first in paperback and then Hardcover…

    I use postit notes for book marks even though I do not make notes and have a hundred book marks.

    I never crack the spine b/c I like to donate or sell back…

    My TBR pile is kept on the bottome shelves my keepers are on the top.

    I keep my fiction and non-fiction on different shelves and I even go so far as to keep hardcover and tradbacks on different shelves then my paperbacks…

    Good topic!

  6. Fascinating topic! I didn't think there were people as geeky as me.

    Can I throw in a wrench, though?

    What about your eBooks? Got around to being fussy about those yet?

    I had very specific ways of storing THOSE on my computer, until I found a program that did it all for me, a la iTunes.

    My paper books (as opposed to pixel books)…well, some of them are nearly thirty years old and the spines can crack just from being opened and read, so I can't get fussed about cracking spines anymore. Those books have moved countries three times already. But I do get right-ripped about dog ears.



  7. **tossing very heavy missle at you for cracking those spines***

    Yup agree about the book mark…

    As long as my books are on a shelf, I am good.. I do have moment when I go through and organize the series though…


  8. Holy cow, you people are anal!! LOLOL.

    I'll crack a spine (unless it's a borrowed book), I'll dogear a page, I don't alphebetize, and I don't keep series together. Or rather, I don't care if they get separated.

    I have a TBR pile, but I just as easily toss a read book back into the basket as shelve it.

    And I read out of order. There, I said it.

    Huh. I guess I'm just a book slob.

  9. My books grouped by author on my shelf but not in alphabetical order. series HAVE to be together. Of course that gets really messed up when you take anthologies into account that relate to different series. Totally throws me off.
    I do not dog ear pages and i try hard not to crack spines but sometimes it happens.
    My tbr books are on a separate shelf or I will forget they are there and that i have not read them yet.

  10. I don't think I have that many quirks, unless you consider keeping the TBR books in boxes one. I don't want them on the shelves and in plain sight, I put them away in cute looking boxes with a lid. 🙂

  11. Chris – I know. But i don't flip pages. i get bonus points for that, right?

    SWV – Oh by color – I've never done that one!

    Tam – Yeah, the spine cracking isn't something that i do on purpose but i want to be able to hold my books easily and for that they need to be open! lol

    SHB – I'm very good with borrowed books and DO NOT do that if the book isn't mine.
    Read the end first? Sacrilege! lol

    Sandy Jay you are a woman after my own heart. 🙂 Welcome to my world! lol

    Kris – Oh please! lol you crack spines too, right?

    Sarai – wow – you've got a system going on sister1 I'm thoroughly impressed.

    Tracy – Great question about the ebooks. i keep all of my ebooks on a 32gb flash drive. All the authors are in alpha order by their first name and then in alpha order within that file. Of course that's the drive, not me keeping them in alpha order within the file1 lol
    I love that you hate the dogears too!

    EH Missle? Yikes. please still love me.

    Kris – Anthologies do throw a wrench, don't they? How do you handle that?

    Lori – And yet you probably know every book you own and where it's located in your house, right?

    Janna – Oh see I need to SEE my TBR books so I'll forget what i have1 lol

    Thanks for the comments guys. sorry for my typing. I'm not used to typing on my hubby's laptop!

  12. I usually pick my favorite series out of the ones in the anthology. Then i make sure in my LibraryThing list i list all the series so that I can find them all and if I have that one.

  13. Spine cracking? I'm never going to look at you in same way. All my books are currently in boxes until I get my library set up…and that involves renovating the whole room. But…when it's done I'll work out what goes where. But series have to be together…and the same side!

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